5* ronin advice

I, nor anyone in my alliance, have a ranked 5* ronin... Can anyone lend a word on his uses? Is he good, if so what is he good for?


  • Monty_E_1Monty_E_1 Member Posts: 18
    I would also like to hear thoughts on this. I just duped mine and I'm wondering if he's worth ranking up.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    He is pretty good, but his playstyle is a bit wonky.
    Do light attacks to change your mode, than dash back. You want to get many dash backs so your sp2 does lots of damage.
    Seatin has a video on him if you need more help.
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  • GAM3RGUYGAM3RGUY Member Posts: 203
    @TheRenegade98 i recently pulled a 6* version myself and would say hes a total treat to use his animations feel nice and fun also he intercepts very well, tbh u can't get good damage output from him if you aren't aggressive i would not rank him over blade obviously but otherthan that i would rank him above all others, hes putting in some serious work in act5 too though its not necessary but better to have deep wounds with him. Hope it helps. 😉
  • GAM3RGUYGAM3RGUY Member Posts: 203
    Lol sry i forgot u to tell one can use him on bleed nodes/poison immune nodes too as he can purify one debuff at a time when switching to his block proficiency stance.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Ronin is one of my favorite champs in the game. There’s so much he can do. My main use for Ronin is soloing Thing bosses in AW.


    He can do a lot more though like stun parry champs like IMIW/Maw, he can reduce defensive ability accuracy, bleed a ton for despair and inequity, evade projectiles for a short time (dupe), and just dish out a ton of damage. Also intercepts are pretty easy for him and while sometimes the AI doesn’t play ball, for the most part intercepting is very smooth. He doesn’t require synergies to be great and he can be setup very easily (no parry/heavy or intercepting required). He’s very satisfying to play and fun to boot. As soon as I get a T5 skill cat mine will go up R3.
  • GAM3RGUYGAM3RGUY Member Posts: 203
    Lol @V1PER1987 i think i might be asking a noob question but why is thing losing its rock stacks?
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    GAM3RGUY said:

    Lol @V1PER1987 i think i might be asking a noob question but why is thing losing its rock stacks?

    Because Ronin bleeds on his basic attacks which removes 3 of Thing’s rock stacks. That’s why I believe Ronin is a great Thing counter @GAM3RGUY
  • GAM3RGUYGAM3RGUY Member Posts: 203
    Damn i didn't even no that, just asked my buddy to take a thing mini boss😓😫 in war and he died a lot😂
  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 125
    Thanks for all the help guys, I just may r3 mine thanks to that
  • TheRenegade98TheRenegade98 Member Posts: 125
    Follow up:

    I did r3 ronin (thanks to a rank up gem I had stored) and he's great man, very fun to play and watch those bleeds stack up, great counter to Thing and nice ability accuracy reduction on his second stance, nice cruelty, precision and fury (sp3) thanks for the help!
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