What old champ should get an animation rework?
Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
So out of all the older champs which one has such boring Animations and Special Attacks that you would like a rework. For me personally Star Lord, Gamora, Drax come to mind first.
I would say make one of the OG female champs new animations.
Rhino and abomination
Moon knights arsenal is more expansive than the simple moon crescents and pistols in his specials
Ronans specials are all the same as thors
(Excluding the sp2)
At least mix it up a little bit...
- Og ironman, ironpatriot,hakwye,both ultrons, warmachine,again almost all these guys has identical basic attacks that could use some diffrent animations! even adding just "new unstunnable energy medium to og im an ultrons will make then useful defenders !
- Sentry!! he absolutely feels broken, his combos dont chain, very slow n long heavy doesnt help ,he needs entire rework + animations
- both magneto, doc strange, both could use some new moves+entire reworks as well
- Og cap, cap ww2,ws,both visions,n some similar guys could use diffrent kicks or object animations perhaps,a cool new powerdrin visual for winter soldier ?? some cool phasing abilities n visuals for vision,cap using shield for every basic making him parry immune completely perhaps?
- og spidy,cosmic spidy,BP,wolvie,definetly needs diffrent combos
- CW bp could use some lagfree smooth animations.(honesly speaking with KM synergy he is usable,not great but not bad either but his animations r so bad he is just bad to use ,specials dont chain properly,)perhaps new visual like some glowy purple lights around him when reflective armour is on
Dr. Zola