Help with boss rush
I'm doing the boss rush for first time with all maxed four stars and I'm at the invisible woman with 20% left on her. I have no revives or potions and my team is scarlet witch, mephisto, doc Ock, quake, and Angela. I'm just sitting in the quest and I'm not going to go out unless I finish it. Anybody have suggestions on what to do? I have no units.
- hero use, 3rd milestone (run arena)
- time paradox, 3rd milestone (run duels)
- get lucky off the 4hr free crystals
In a couple days you can also get a Lv2 team revive off the september calendar. Good luck.
On champ choice... Angela if you want to mitigate the degen. Cornered won't be an issue for her. Don't use Doc Ock because I assume you're saving him for SS.
Grind arena for units. Also donate gold to you alliance for the paradox events.. You will get a revive and 25 units if you hit some milestones.