100% Act 4 or Become Uncollected

Hi guys
I am currently a level 50 player who completed act 4 a month ago and now I am confused as to fully explore it or move ahead to the Collector. As you all know it is a hectic grind to fully explore act 4 but still it offers very good rewards, especially the mastery points. I know being Uncollected has its own perks, but I am unable to decide.
I completed Act 4 with:
5* 2/35 Sabretooth
4* 5/50 Corvus
4* 4/40 Hyperion(sig 60)
4* 5/50 Gwenpool
5* 2/35 Ghostrider
(Yeah Maestro was a piece of cake with these champs.)
Other options I have:
5*s = 3/45 Luke Cage, 1/25 Quake(I wanna become more skilled with her), 1/25 Mephisto, 1/25 Korg, 1/25 Winter Soldier, 1/25 Moon Knight(I think he is useless)
4*s = 4/40 Symbiote Supreme(sig 20), 4/40 Angela(sig 20), 4/40 Red Hulk, 4/40 Iceman, 4/40 OG Thor, 4/40 Nebula, 4/40 Hood, 3/30 Venom the duck
other 4*s(haven't ranked them up)= annihilus, heimdall, taskmaster, doc oc, psylocke(most of the god and beyond god tiers I have are 3*s lol)
I don't have the full suicide masteries, just one point in glass cannon. I am able to fully explore master level in monthly event quests(corvus is a blessing, and so is hyperion, and also GP). I also completed but not explored Time after time epic.(took a lot of potions honestly)
The account is more than 3 years old(howling commando title) but I gained the interest in the game last year(when GP went to the movies). I started with exploring Act 2 and then I thought "yeah I should go on."
So should I go for the Collector?(I have watched youtube videos and honestly I am not confident lol) Or should I wait and practice more and side by side gain mastery points and unlock suicides(I saw corvus is insane with the suicides!), and then go for the Collector??
Thanks.(Please forgive any shortcomings, this is my first post, and I think it is long)
I am currently a level 50 player who completed act 4 a month ago and now I am confused as to fully explore it or move ahead to the Collector. As you all know it is a hectic grind to fully explore act 4 but still it offers very good rewards, especially the mastery points. I know being Uncollected has its own perks, but I am unable to decide.
I completed Act 4 with:
5* 2/35 Sabretooth
4* 5/50 Corvus
4* 4/40 Hyperion(sig 60)
4* 5/50 Gwenpool
5* 2/35 Ghostrider
(Yeah Maestro was a piece of cake with these champs.)
Other options I have:
5*s = 3/45 Luke Cage, 1/25 Quake(I wanna become more skilled with her), 1/25 Mephisto, 1/25 Korg, 1/25 Winter Soldier, 1/25 Moon Knight(I think he is useless)
4*s = 4/40 Symbiote Supreme(sig 20), 4/40 Angela(sig 20), 4/40 Red Hulk, 4/40 Iceman, 4/40 OG Thor, 4/40 Nebula, 4/40 Hood, 3/30 Venom the duck
other 4*s(haven't ranked them up)= annihilus, heimdall, taskmaster, doc oc, psylocke(most of the god and beyond god tiers I have are 3*s lol)
I don't have the full suicide masteries, just one point in glass cannon. I am able to fully explore master level in monthly event quests(corvus is a blessing, and so is hyperion, and also GP). I also completed but not explored Time after time epic.(took a lot of potions honestly)
The account is more than 3 years old(howling commando title) but I gained the interest in the game last year(when GP went to the movies). I started with exploring Act 2 and then I thought "yeah I should go on."
So should I go for the Collector?(I have watched youtube videos and honestly I am not confident lol) Or should I wait and practice more and side by side gain mastery points and unlock suicides(I saw corvus is insane with the suicides!), and then go for the Collector??
Thanks.(Please forgive any shortcomings, this is my first post, and I think it is long)
I'm not saying this is the best way for everyone, but I personally went for Act 4 100% exploration before going Uncollected. At this point in time, my account was barely 2 months old so while I had an extensive 4* roster from arena grinding, I only had two 5/50 champs (Blade sig50 and CMM sig20). Act 4 100% netted me:
- roughly 1000 iso
- crystal shards that got me dupes for Hyperion and AA
- T4BCs for upgrading Act 5-worthy champs
- a bit of time to grind out more T4CCs from AQ Map 5 so that I could get a few more 5/50s
Overall, this made my time in Act 5.1 and 5.2 very straightforward with five choice 5/50s, and I cleared the Collector with 2 stashed team revives and about 200 units on additional single revives (he's really not too complicated once you accept you'll be relying on revives/units to deal chip damage bit by bit).
Act 4 100% also only took me around 2 weeks, as I had quite a lot of full energy revives saved up. I also saved a lot of time by running quests non-linearly, actively searching for and completing only paths that had full/small energy refills.
tl,dr - although getting uncollected asap is a generally the way to go, it does depend on how capable you think your roster is, and whether you want to wait a little while to have an easier time against the Collector. There's no real right or wrong choice here. Good luck!
You also need a killmonger for the synergy to beat masochism
If you need some potions to help you get through, I suggest try going for ROL Winter Soldier and he tends to drop lvl 3 potion. Honestly, I struggled with Bane, took me some time to get used to it (still trying to be better at it)
You seem to have a gr8 team, Hyp and Corvus are like a cheat code in some chapters for Act 5. Iceman will help too with his immunities. Quake once you get used to her.
All the best!
nah just kidding I know they are trash.
Thanks for all of your advice people. Corvus is a blessing. May we all get him as a 6*.