Dear Kabam. On behalf of the community, here are a few concerns regarding monthly side events.

FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
Greetings, Kabam and my fellow Summoners.

WARNING - Very long post

To get things started, this is not a hate post, I don't expect anything written in this post to be actually implemented, my intention is to inform Kabam in the best way possible that why the players seem to be so disappointed in the side events this year. Here are some of the reasons

1.) Excessive use of gates or restrictions:
Be it the Class Trips, Nick Fury's Recon Missions or the Time After Time, the bump in the usage of these gates or restrictions is very easily noticable. While it's understandable why these gates exist, it is to diversify the teams of players so that they don't just keep clearing out content with the same champions over and over.

This sounds good in theory, but in reality, these gates just add another extra layer of grinding for the players, while completely failing at the job they were supposed to do and just becoming an arbitrary inconvenience for the players which doesn't benefit anyone.

2.) Very high energy costs / number of paths. o
The energy costs for the Atlantean rifts and Class trips were fairly high, though this was taken care of by reducing the cost in the Time After Time quest, however the excessive number of paths towards the end more than enough made up for it.

This isn't a big problem for anyone, but the huge number of paths that we have to explore is a tad bit frustrating, I'm sure the others will back me up on this, the efforts, energy and time put into these side events, compared to the potential rewards, makes them seem very unnecessarily long and boring.

3.) An element of RNG thrown into the mix.
We've seen this in the Atlantean rifts and Sinister Labs. We've accepted RNG as a part of this game, it governs the champions we get, the rank up materials, the awakening gems, basically everything.

Since so much of the stuff in the game is already RNG dependent, I personally don't see the need in adding even more of it into the game in the form of side events such as the Atlantean rifts. Adding more RNG on top of the already omnipresent RNG screws over a lot of players, and in more ways than one, seems very unfair to put into Event Quests.

4.) Spreading out side events into chapters over the entirety of the month.
This can be seen in the Last Stand event as well as the Time After Time event. The chapters are released on a weekly basis. This is in no way a big inconvenience, but in my opinion it serves no purpose at all.

These time restrictions just seem very unnecessary and inconvenient, especially with events with a lot of paths like Time After Time. If anything, removing this will benefit Kabam more as the players will have to buy energy refills.

5.) Rewards : '(
Other than Nick Fury's Recon Initiative, Bounty Missions and Time After Time. I don't believe the summoners (including myself) have been very happy or satisfied with the rewards.

We understand that you guys at Kabam are trying to balance out the lack of one type of resource in a particular quest by accumulating it in the next one, once again this sounds very tempting in theory, but practically, the rewards just don't make up for it. For example, the rank up resources in Attack on the Nexus don't make up for the lack of rank up resources in Sinister Labs and Time After Time.

Instead of this, wouldn't it be better to keep a balance and provide both rank up materials and shards in every side event quest. Or better yet, let the players CHOOSE what rewards they want?

6.) Wrong use of the Objectives.
As @Seatin mentioned in one of his videos, the objectives should've been used as an extra layer of rewards over the already present rewards, but instead it seems like they are being used to add in some additional grind for the players.

My personal suggestions, looking back at some of the great side events like:

Trials of the King
Rocket's Scrapyard
GP Goes to the Movies
Bounty Missions
Recon Initiative

When the players get to choose the rewards in exchange for some sort of special currency like Scrap or S.H.I.E.L.D tokens, the outcome is usually pretty good. The players are happy and the events aren't that big of a hassle.

Quirky and Interesting concepts of EQ's such as The Trials of the King, when tuned correctly in regards to difficulty V.S rewards, are usually a success.

Events like Gwenpool Goes to The Movies which give very high rewards for a neglegible amount of grind are very welcome too, though these are probably not feasible, they might make a good event once per year or something.

Thank you for reading! I really hope that you guys at Kabam consider these "concerns" of ours, I love this game from the bottom of my heart and it honestly hurts when the community's expectations aren't met.
Peace ✌️


  • GriffoplayGriffoplay Member Posts: 269
    Totaly agree on this one. this month is one of the worst ever events in term of restriction. I have to enter the quest, to know that I still have to clear the gated path. Exit the quest, redo team, enter the quest again. Same for the opposite: I enter with the "the gate un-locker" just to find that I already have done this path. exit the quests, redo team and enter again. Frustrating and boring.
    Fortunately I have all the "gate unlocker" but I know that some ally mates have done more then 100 quikmatch to find the needed one.

    n° 2 and 4)
    totaly agree again. with AQ, AW, Variants, Act and arenas to be done there is a lot of content and we just need to prioritize our time in the game.

    n°3) with the last released contents of rifts something was done to reviw the mechanism you are writhing about. more can be done btw.

    I'm fine with the reward But I prefer your suggestion: a bit of both every month or the opportunity to choose.

    thank you for writing this
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,368 ★★★★★

    Totaly agree on this one. this month is one of the worst ever events in term of restriction. I have to enter the quest, to know that I still have to clear the gated path. Exit the quest, redo team, enter the quest again.

    Erm, if you look, there's a thing at the top of the Edit Team menu when you're setting up your team that shows who the gate is, and if that character's not on your team, it's red, if they are, it's green. If you don't want to fanny about resetting the team, you could make sure you do the gated route first, switch to another team for the remainder and carry on, or do what I did and set all the gate characters for that era as your team and stick to that team for the whole set of quess. Granted, this may not be a viable option in higher difficulties if you only have lower tier champions.

    To the OP: Well said. My main bug-bear with the likes of Trials of the King and Trials of the Infinite is they fact you have to remember to use the blipping boosts at the start of the 7th one. The best side quests, I feel, are ones with good rewards, minimal effort (quest and route numbers), minimal restrictions (IE gates) and low energy. Rocket's scrapyard and GGTTM being two of the best.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,544 ★★★★★
    I don't agree. I'm not going to "come at you". Lol. I just don't agree.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Please stop with the "on behalf of the community", you are not the spokesman, just make your suggestions, but you are not a spokesperson for the often at odds community.

    Sorry if you don't like that. But these things aren't just what I noticed. I've been reading forum posts, reddit, YouTube comments, every major complaint I could find related to the side events.

    Since no one actually put these complaints at one place in a constructive way, I did. That doesn't make me a spokesperson or anything, but I'm fairly optimistic that others will agree. If they don't then by all means come at me.
    You claiming to speak on behalf of the community is you trying to be the spokesperson, if you had left that off then there would be no problems. Others will agree with you and others will disagree with you, but that is besides the point.
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★

    I don't agree. I'm not going to "come at you". Lol. I just don't agree.

    Well then I guess I should have left that part out, Apologies as I can't edit the title now.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I definitely agree with #4 that time gating content sucks and should never be done.

    The other points are just whining.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,544 ★★★★★
    edited September 2019

    I don't agree. I'm not going to "come at you". Lol. I just don't agree.

    Well then I guess I should have left that part out, Apologies as I can't edit the title now.
    I was speaking more to your previous comment than the Title. You said "come at me". I just said I don't agree. I could break down my points but I'll just leave it there.
  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    Now the that they have implemented a champ selector reward, I really hope they utilize that for a quest reward. It would be nice to be able to pick a champ you’ve been aiming for but just can’t get. It would also help relieve the community of this horrid RNG once. I understand picking your champs every time would be game breaking, but once? Hardly.
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★

    I don't agree. I'm not going to "come at you". Lol. I just don't agree.

    Well then I guess I should have left that part out, Apologies as I can't edit the title now.
    I was speaking more to your previous comment than the Title. You said "come at me". I just said I don't agree. I could break down my points but I'll just leave it there.
    Of course. Wrong choice of words once again. Apologies.
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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    I dont mind having new chapters each month to make me look forward to each month but the fact that there were 5 paths and only 1 week to get it done made it frustrating and boring. This is the first time I have only explored the epic and master difficulty and not the others due to this format. Also the champion gates serve very little purpose imo, makes it even longer to explore the entire thing even on auto.
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 659 ★★
    I agree with 50% of points that you raise
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    I love this post. I totally agree and I don't have much to add. Also, I have no problem with you stating that you're speaking on the behalf of the community.

    I would never knock a player for trying to get us a better product in general. Doesn't hurt when Kabam can just ignore if they so choose.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,168 ★★★
    1) I disagree a bit about the gates, since I think they did pretty well with how they did it this month, giving everyone a chance to get all the champs needed. Also, I think tag specific gates can work as long as you don’t need a specific counter

    2) Can’t really argue here.

    3) Personally, I think the Atlantan rifts could’ve gone well if the stable rifts had a bit more of a less RNG dependant set of rewards. RNG can play a part in the rewards if something amazing is one of them, and needs to be balanced, but I think there should still be a choice whether or not players want that.

    4) Same. It also helps for people who are busy a specific month. It could work if the quests are short, but the Time After Time Event was too long at the end to work well.

    5) I think the rewards are still ok, but I have to admit I like the shop style rewards a bit more. Still, I also feel like it’s an added pressure to choose, so I don’t really mind generic, balanced rewards with both rank up materials and shards.

    6) Not entirely sure what you mean here, but I haven’t really felt pressure to complete the objectives outside of the Endgame month
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★

    I don't agree. I'm not going to "come at you". Lol. I just don't agree.

    Well then I guess I should have left that part out, Apologies as I can't edit the title now.
    I was speaking more to your previous comment than the Title. You said "come at me". I just said I don't agree. I could break down my points but I'll just leave it there.
    Please do break down your points @GroundedWisdom. No one is right or wrong here to be honest, I just wrote what I think the majority of the community wants from what I've seen. It's fun to have a discussion though, right?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,544 ★★★★★
    1. Gate Restriction rewards those that have spent time and effort building their Rosters. Personally, I've always focused on collecting. I've been told it doesn't matter, but it seems they've come in handy. I would understand the point more if there was no way to acquire the Champs during the Events, but they provide a way, so it's not a total block.
    2. This month seemed like a lot, but the total cost of Energy in terms of what we got wasn't bad. If we're trying to do all 5, that could become taxing, but that's just a part of trying to do it all. It's spread out over time too, so not so bad.
    3. The game is based heavily on RNG. That's just a part of MCOC.
    4. I actually don't mind spreading it out. I don't like finishing all at once and sitting with nothing to look forward to the rest of the month.
    5. I found the Rewards fair this month. Bounties were rare. They can't all be that lucrative. ;)
    6. The objectives ARE optional. :)
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★

    1) I disagree a bit about the gates, since I think they did pretty well with how they did it this month, giving everyone a chance to get all the champs needed. Also, I think tag specific gates can work as long as you don’t need a specific counter

    2) Can’t really argue here.

    3) Personally, I think the Atlantan rifts could’ve gone well if the stable rifts had a bit more of a less RNG dependant set of rewards. RNG can play a part in the rewards if something amazing is one of them, and needs to be balanced, but I think there should still be a choice whether or not players want that.

    4) Same. It also helps for people who are busy a specific month. It could work if the quests are short, but the Time After Time Event was too long at the end to work well.

    5) I think the rewards are still ok, but I have to admit I like the shop style rewards a bit more. Still, I also feel like it’s an added pressure to choose, so I don’t really mind generic, balanced rewards with both rank up materials and shards.

    6) Not entirely sure what you mean here, but I haven’t really felt pressure to complete the objectives outside of the Endgame month

    1) Fair play. If you think the gates are a good idea then it's fine, no problem. I wanna ask you this though, not to call you out or anything. Just because I need another perspective on this. What do you think the gates are for?

    3) Again, it varies from person to person. But k reckon most people would prefer guaranteed stable rewards over leaving stuff up to chance, not sure though. I shouldn't have chosen that title lol.

    6) I meant that since the objectives have been introduced, the actual completion and exploration rewards have gone down (slightly). These rewards are now found in the objectives tab, where you'd have to do some additional tasks in order to get the same rewards, which normally you should be getting anyways.

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  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,168 ★★★

    1) I disagree a bit about the gates, since I think they did pretty well with how they did it this month, giving everyone a chance to get all the champs needed. Also, I think tag specific gates can work as long as you don’t need a specific counter

    2) Can’t really argue here.

    3) Personally, I think the Atlantan rifts could’ve gone well if the stable rifts had a bit more of a less RNG dependant set of rewards. RNG can play a part in the rewards if something amazing is one of them, and needs to be balanced, but I think there should still be a choice whether or not players want that.

    4) Same. It also helps for people who are busy a specific month. It could work if the quests are short, but the Time After Time Event was too long at the end to work well.

    5) I think the rewards are still ok, but I have to admit I like the shop style rewards a bit more. Still, I also feel like it’s an added pressure to choose, so I don’t really mind generic, balanced rewards with both rank up materials and shards.

    6) Not entirely sure what you mean here, but I haven’t really felt pressure to complete the objectives outside of the Endgame month

    1) Fair play. If you think the gates are a good idea then it's fine, no problem. I wanna ask you this though, not to call you out or anything. Just because I need another perspective on this. What do you think the gates are for?

    3) Again, it varies from person to person. But k reckon most people would prefer guaranteed stable rewards over leaving stuff up to chance, not sure though. I shouldn't have chosen that title lol.

    6) I meant that since the objectives have been introduced, the actual completion and exploration rewards have gone down (slightly). These rewards are now found in the objectives tab, where you'd have to do some additional tasks in order to get the same rewards, which normally you should be getting anyways.

    1) If it’s a champion specific gate, then it’s to reward a wide collection, since it could take up a slot if you only have a low star version. If it’s a tag specific gate, then it’s to limit the traditional OP champs from steamrolling everything and forcing you to use alternative champs. As long as thy don’t limit completion, I think they’re fine

    3) Fair enough. Personally I didn’t actually enjoy the rifts that much, since they were a bit too lopsided in terms of RNG, but the little stuff is fine with me.

    6) Haven’t really noticed that. I mostly ignore the objectives unless they have really good rewards
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