1TapTakeANap ★
Re: Is the uncollected Adaptiod boss supposed to have a 12k attack stat?
Golden adaptoid in Act 4 is stun or debuff immune i believe (View Post)1 -
Re: Thank You Kabam for the Fix of 19.0 Over Heating and Crashing - What about Summoner Compensation
1 million battle chips , 3 million gold , 100 health potions .... fully formed 6*..... :D youre dreaming . You realise this package has to go out to low level players aswell (View Post)2 -
Re: Not your average rank down ticket thread
Did you think they werent warrented when diversity was announced to be removed? 80% of the community did and that isnt a champ change (View Post)2 -
Re: Is that really how that went down?
Youre correct with all or nothing although that is only in higher tier wars , Not sure why this guy has brought such low rating champs if it is a high tier war (even if it is GR / Blade) . (View Post)2 -
Re: Downtime Compensation [Merged Threads]
Marvellous Crystal update please? I presume it wouldnt be as difficult sending those out compared to deciding the content of the 8 hr compensation? (View Post)1