4dlai ★
Re: Need people's opinions on this
You got a great roster dude honestly no real wrong decision go with who you use the most (View Post)1 -
Re: Colossus
A year ago u would be kabammed now everyone hates you congrats on the pull mate (View Post)1 -
Re: 'Lil Help
Corvus does not need a dupe nick on the other hand... well if you run out of time go for the first one available (View Post)1 -
Re: Who should I focus on ranking up?!
Beardo for the win if u get an ag for him in this event hes probably the most useful exept for aegon (View Post)1 -
Re: Is Stealth Suit Spidey worth a skill AG?
If you have one you could use it but i would maybe wait like a month or so to see if u get a nick or aegon (View Post)1