Bapoi ★★★
Re: Venom rework for upcoming Venom movie
If there is one champ he shouldn't trigger evades on, it's Spider-Man OG as well as Spider-Man Symbiote. Those are the two Spider-Man he's entwined with, and neither can sense him. This goes for Carn… (View Post)1 -
Re: Emma Frost(Not whining)
Actually enjoying fighting her. Dislike the fact that the slightest slip results in death though. But that's Uncollected as well, just make sure you're on point. Still, a few hits should be able to b… (View Post)1 -
Re: Which MCOC Hero will you choose to defeat the mighty Emma Frost (aka) The White Queen
Oh me like. Time to whip out GG 6* into quest (View Post)1 -
Re: Paying for something that used to be free?
You're right. Sorry about that. I just had that random thought pop up. From your previous comment, you're right, units really shouldn't be made to use on anything other than things that advance you i… (View Post)2 -
Re: please bring back 0.99 cents deals.
It's fine if you want to be F2P, I mostly am as well, but I do look at the deals and whether or not they pose a value to me. A deal like the last one where you buy a 5* for 100 dollars? Not on your l… (View Post)1