Championcritic ★★★★
Re: Herald Difficulty
How do you do it? i tried with doom and SS and failed miserably (View Post)3 -
Re: Who is the best incintrator
I will correct you here. Both of them are immune to incinerate yes but NEITHER of them are immune to nova flame passives. (View Post)5 -
Re: Dev Diary: A Contest Evolved
Like what I'm seeing so far. There is 1 problem I foresee with firewalls and I need clarification on this kabam. You say if we can break through zones in multiples of 5 we can then start future incur… (View Post)2 -
Re: Map 5 Human Torch 2nd Mini
This is not the best advice lol. BWCV is terrible because its gonna accelerate human torch getting smoulder charges, not to mention for AQ HT has a local node that lets him go nova form for some seco… (View Post)9 -
Re: Game Down [06/28]
Maybe hackers hacked the game in protest of AW haha. (View Post)4