Re: Other Champions appearing in pre-fight screen [Under Investigation] [Merged Threads]
This is serious, guys!!! Somebody take out Mephisto out of there before he gives a hard hit and Proxima goes balistic !!! (View Post)3 -
Re: Looking for an active alliance.!
We want ONLY ACTIVE PLAYERS above lvl 50 with at least 11 4* champs rank 4 lvl 40 or 5* champs rank 2 lvl 35 OR HIGHER (to be locked in AQ and AW). We do 3 wars per week (Season Rank- Gold3) and 5 AQ… (View Post)1 -
Re: REALLY, have all champs become Indestructible or Endure ???
Ok guys, be your bad luck for me and i'm a poor player. Don't give a s**t! Just wanted to signal a problem that if will not be resovled will become really frustrating (it already is for me).… (View Post)2 -
Re: REALLY, have all champs become Indestructible or Endure ???
Can i load videos here to show you how they bleed until 1%? I dont have one yet but is just a matter of fighting and recording... Btw, what is your deal telling me is in my imagination after i bring … (View Post)0 -
REALLY, have all champs become Indestructible or Endure ???
What is with this constant 1% health remaning on champs. I start getting this "bug" more and more often, on all game zones (pvp, quests, aq).. If you put a bleed/poison/shock/incinerate/ wh… (View Post)29