GTRlover ★
Re: Uhhh since when was this here????????
Not really. I got a science AG from that crystal but all of my 7* science champs are duped. So right now that AG is useless to me. Now if it was a generic or nexus, it would be better and be more exc… (View Post)2 -
7* AG Crystal
Really Kascam, now we have to form a whole crystal just for an AG. Then we have to hope we get lucky and get the class that we want. C'mon Kascam you guys could've at least made it a generic AG. Once… (View Post)2 -
AW solo event milestones
Hey kabam, how come we no longer get 600 points for placing defenders every time we join an aw? I've noticed because of this persistent placement, we only get those points once. What's up with that? … (View Post)3 -
Re: How would you rate Spotted Dimension Rifts? (Oct 2022 SQ)
0 - the worst sq ever. Why offer great rewards when there's crappy chances of getting them. Then the candy shop also had crappy stuff to buy with the gazillion candies i had. Kabam really crapped on … (View Post)4 -
Re: More candy
Kabam has truly screwed up this side quest. Putting awesome rewards in lanes that players will almost always never get is ridiculous. Whoever thought of this month's side quest rewards drop rates sho… (View Post)4