Jkw634 ★★
Re: Best mutant: Kitty Pryde or Onslaught
Think kabam has answered it by saying the same thing about kitty as here they would have rebalanced her. Also onslaught as a 7 star and kitty one of the champs probably won’t see as a 7 star. (View Post)3 -
Re: Hercules isn't getting nerfed
Seems the ones who are defending don’t understand comprehension. Everything about his initial post says a nerf is coming. Line 1 says they want to nerf him and there is no time limit when they can do… (View Post)13 -
Re: AI reparry
Def happens with qs. Also in aw ai parries relic attached to qs often. (View Post)1 -
Re: Please push back the start of war season it’s what everyone wants
Let’s not overlook what I don’t see talked about. Kabam will profit all this with the pretty much no offseason they did not give alliances the chance to build up their loyalty and their items this of… (View Post)1 -
Re: Help me decide my first R4 (it’s getting boring I know)
Cgr is a powerhouse but I say him. I think the power gain you get as rank 4 makes him better because you can heavy. Mllll. Mlllm chain into s2 with him at rank 4. I think at rank 3 comes up a little … (View Post)1