LesktheGlut_666 ★
Re: Serpent NERF !!!!!! 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚
What a drama queen..lol (View Post)0 -
Re: Magic Heist [merged]
I for one appreciate the update and the explanation and so to cover myself for the future I'm going to do a couple of university courses so I can understand the minutiae of these event quests..😁 (View Post)2 -
Re: For the rewards in both Cavalier and Thronebreaker monthly EQs, please consider:
When you become Paragon is it a requirement to complain about everything..? I think I'll leave that alone if that's the case. (View Post)1 -
Lack of information s
On the description for the side quest in the messages and the load screen it says nothing about only one pass per zone. This information is only in the screenshot that's been provided in the forum's … (View Post)2 -
Re: delete hercules from game
If you look at the reactions to your post I think it's you who has the problem lol (View Post)5