WeeHobbit89 ★
Re: According to Hades
It will probably be the 2* - 4* 2000 shards per crystal and a more expensive 3* - 5* 4000 shards per crystal (View Post)1 -
Re: Seatin’s Cavalier Difficulty thoughts and my own
Getting rid of the act completion rewards was a cheap shot. Would have made more sense if this change was done long ago with variant or act 6 instead of cavalier. The rewards between completion and e… (View Post)6 -
Re: Who has the worst special 3?
Red skull (View Post)2 -
Re: Nodding of while reading nodes.
Outside of the nastiness in here, you are right. Far too much description on some nodes. For example, caustic temper has several different parts to it and would be far easier if that was split into d… (View Post)8 -
Game freezes
Been trying to take this fight but everytime I press 'fight' it crashes and does nothing. Resting the game wont sort it either (View Post)2