Anyone know an alliance that actually plays?

I have been playing this game daily for a over a month now I'm summoner level 27, and I can't seem to find an alliance that pays at all. I had to leave countless high rating alliances but no-one does any of the challenges. I have been in one war room I guess we did ok I couldn't really tell I'm new at it.I have no idea what the alliance quests are like any suggestions on a loyal alliance? I don't take the easy way out the only thing I bought out of the store was 1.99 shard/crystal advancement. Four star champions with a couple of ranks its a little rough but I enjoy the challenge.
Anyone know an alliance that actually plays? 4 votes
Even created my own to see if I could advance in the game
1 vote
What's the best way to get the 5 or 6 star champs
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