Anyone know an alliance that actually plays?

I have been playing this game daily for a over a month now I'm summoner level 27, and I can't seem to find an alliance that pays at all. I had to leave countless high rating alliances but no-one does any of the challenges. I have been in one war room I guess we did ok I couldn't really tell I'm new at it.I have no idea what the alliance quests are like any suggestions on a loyal alliance? I don't take the easy way out the only thing I bought out of the store was 1.99 shard/crystal advancement. Four star champions with a couple of ranks its a little rough but I enjoy the challenge.

Anyone know an alliance that actually plays? 4 votes

Even created my own to see if I could advance in the game
25% 1 vote
What's the best way to get the 5 or 6 star champs
75% 3 votes


    Before I found this game I played dc injustice for four years on a daily basis got to the point there was no challenge a little too easy, I really do like this game not much for mobile games ima hardcore Xbox One gamer but if I have to depend on other players skill or time consumption I don't see myself playing this for four years.
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  • WelderofortuneWelderofortune Member Posts: 527 ★★
    Hit me up in game welderofortune, we run a couple AW a week and map2 and map3 in our AQ.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @BARBARIKGNAT86 many, many alliances have 30 members that play every day and run 3 battlegroups of AQ and War. Finding one is game changing. Keep looking until you find one.
  • Killakal90Killakal90 Member Posts: 8
    Mine does. Look me up. Killakal90 I’m the leader
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, if you are looking for an alliance that better fits your level and style of play, you can check out the alliance recruitment section of the forums. There are always alliances posting there looking for new members and, if you don't see any that fit your needs, you can always create a thread of your own to let people know what you're looking for in an alliance.
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