how to make a Kabam account with iPhone ????

So I've been logged in MCOC with my Game Center account for quite sometime, and was wondering how will I be able to make an account with Kabam so I can log in my cousins to help him with some quests and stuff.
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log into someone else's account. That's actually a violation of our Terms of Service. Please, only log into your own account created by you and registered to your own personal email address. Never share login information with others. Violations of our Terms of Service can result in an account ban for both your own account as well any alternate accounts you logged into.
We do encourage you to backup your account to a Kabam ID, and the information is available in-game. Please click the gear in the upper left-hand corner, and then click "Support" to search for more information.
Our Terms of Service are available for your review here: