Changes to Alliance War

I would like to have someone explain to me how this new global node benefits anyone in Alliance War. I know that there are many others out there like me that have spent a lot of time and effort (and to a certain degree money) into leveling up specific champions in this game. I will use myself for example. Upon exploring act 5 I had the resources to take a 5* champion to rank 5, this would be the first time that I had been able to do such a thing and I had plenty of what I thought were good options. In the end I went with Archangel. I used a generic awakening gem (keep in mind this is not a debate as to whether or not he is worthy of that), rank up gem, my only two t5 basic, and however many t2 alpha it takes to level him up from rank 3 all the way to rank 5. I did this knowing that while he would not be useful in all situations he could still inflict bleed when he could not poison, and when he could inflict his neurotoxin he could heal block all while doing a lot of damage. Now, for some reason, someone thinks that making a GLOBAL node for all of Alliance War to make every defender bleed immune is a good idea. I get that you are saying that it is encouraging people to level up different champs, but do you think that can happen over night? It takes A LOT of time to farm the materials needed to level up a champion, only to have someone with authority say we are going to make a MASSIVE meta change to the dynamic of Alliance War. Alliance War for many people is the best way to receive the materials necessary to level up a new champion in the first place. So now you can not adequately perform in the one area that lets you get the materials you need to adjust to the random change that you made in the first place. It is very hard for me to not think that this is simply a huge money grab so people have to buy crystals to get more champions that don't rely on bleed, and then spend more money on the materials that they need to rank them up. There are roughly 50 champions that either inflict or heavily rely on bleed, and by making this change you have made this roughly 35-45% of the TOTAL champions in this game inadequate for Alliance War. Are rosters supposed to do a complete overhaul before the next season? I would like for someone to explain to me how if that is the case. I doubt that a moderator or anyone from Kabam will even read this, but I would love to hear from them and get something other than the generic "competitive balance" platitude. This takes a lot of the fun out a game that I used to enjoy playing a lot, and it seems like many of the decisions made are knee jerk reactions. These changes seem like a large step in alienating a player base. Change my mind.
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This guys has a valid concern that affects a large amount of us. Please instead of the typical deflecting, copy, paste, response, answer the darn questions.