HELP!!! Mods - How do I spot them???

I'm about 6 months into the game and this is my first time hearing about mods. Someone joined my alliance recently and one of my officers thinks that he may be using mods. Is there a way to tell if someone is using mods or not. I've put a ton of time, money, and effort into growing my little alliance to where it is and I don't want any problems.
What does an investigation entail. I'm not trying to put this guy in a bad situation because someone else is assuming he's modding. I wouldn't think it was fair to ban him or block his account or anything like that unless he was actually doing something wrong.
I definitely understand you concern there. Sending a report wouldn't automatically result in account action though. It can start an investigation into a situation, but action would only be taken based on the findings of the investigation. If the investigation doesn't find anything wrong, we wouldn't do anything. But that's all if you feel the need to send a report in the first place. Just wanted to let you know what options you have available.
That or have the audacity to do it in front of others. I hope you reported him.
I pretty much have adopted a zero tolerance rule with cheaters.