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Psylocke Critical Damage Rating Bonus Concerns

bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
Hello mods,

I am hoping you can help draw attention from the dev team to the extreme diminishing returns being applied to Psylocke's Critical Damage Rating bonuses.

My R4 5* Psylocke has a base attack of 1,721 and base Crit Damage Rating of 879. At Sig Level 40, she receives an additional 878 Crit Damage Rating and her Passive Ability gives her yet another 1,366 Crit Damage Rating. So all added up, Psylocke's Crit Damage Rating with her opponent at zero power should be 3,123.

An R4 5* Storm has 1,805 base attack and also has a Crit Damage Rating of 879.

So here are the attack and Crit Damage Ratings for both, along with Medium and Light crit damage for both with no synergies and identical masteries vs RoL Winter Soldier (equal class bonus).

  • Attack: 1,721
  • Crit Damage Rating: 3,123
  • Medium Crit (zero power): 3,502
  • Light Crit (zero power: 2,245

  • Attack: 1,805
  • Crit Damage Rating: 879
  • Medium Crit: 2,695
  • Light Crit: 1,728

Crunch the numbers and that is a ~30% increase in Crit Damage for Psylocke over Storm. Problem is that her Crit Damage Rating is 255% higher than Storm's! I realize Storm's attack is 5% higher but this still seems extreme.

Why is Diminishing Returns being applied so harshly to a stat that has no hard 100% cap like Crit Rate or Armor? Or is this some kind of bug? Please advise.


  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    @Kabam Miike can you pass this along or acknowledge when you have a chance? Thanks!
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    Passing along to the team for clarification!
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    Passing along to the team for clarification!

    That was fast! Much appreciated.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    @Kabam Miike Just following up here. I'm sure you guys are swamped with ban and security related items right now but just want to make sure this doesn't fall through the cracks. Thanks again!
  • DaaryusDaaryus Member Posts: 8
    Do not forget that Storm also gains critical damage increase based on opponent's power.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    @Daaryus actually not true. She gains increased special damage, not critical damage.
  • DaaryusDaaryus Member Posts: 8
    Sorry, that's exactly what I mean. Special damage offsets critical low.
    I think Psylocke is good like this. Just have to change her low power gain.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    @Daaryus I see what you mean. My concern here is more so about how extreme the DR is in regards to Crit Damage Rating. It's applied at lower levels too, actually. For example, Hulk's CDR is 500 while Rocket's is 1,031. Hulk's % is 150% and Rocket's is 220%. So a >100% increase in flat value rating translates to 46% increase in actual effectiveness.

    As I mentioned, DR makes sense for stats that cap at 100% like Crit Rate. But seems silly for it to be so extreme in the case of Crit Damage.

    And you're right about her slow power gain, it's really unnecessary. She has so much potential but handicapped by a handful of missteps IMO.
  • DaaryusDaaryus Member Posts: 8
    I understood what you said. And I agree, however the company seems to be concerned about balancing the heroes, as compensating a high number of health for low critical damage for example.
    Definitely Psylocke has a good rating in terms of critical damage, it does seem exaggerated, but that's okay. = D

    The low gain of power has to improve, ends up being unfair against champions who gain power quickly, especially the mystics with the mystical dispersion.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    @Kabam Miike any update here?
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    @Kabam Miike following up once more as it's been a while. For what it's worth, here are a few of my suggestions for improving Psylocke that would make her usable for the purpose the designers seem to have intended but still far from OP:
    • Remove or at least dampen the harsh application of DR to Critical Damage Rating. Pure Attack stat is not affected by DR, so I am confused as to why Critical Damage is to such an extreme extent.
    • Change her sig and passive to grant increased Critical Chance Rating by the same amount as her Critical Damage Rating. This would help offset the DR of Critical Damage by allowing her to crit at a higher rate.
    • Please, please remove her -25% power gain from attacking. This is a very unnecessary hindrance to her usage.
    • Make her power gain from her SP1 a passive similar to Loki or a power steal like Vision. The quick power gain buff that currently refills her SP1 renders her useless against Mystic Dispersion as they regain half of what you drained immediately.
    • Add power drain to her SP2.

    I realize that all of these are probably too much to ask, any of them would go a long way. Thanks again for your time.
  • bentoddfredbentoddfred Member Posts: 50
    @Kabam Miike it has been over 2 months now and I have messaged you directly as well. Can I please get an update on this question?
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Be interested to see what Kabam response is, but I think I already know why.

    All champions are leveled out damage wise based on what passives and buffs they have.

    Most fury champions for example, have lower crit/crit dmg on their kit. Kingpin who was just released has like 10% crit, but can stack fury.

    All the symbiotes do this as well, and I'm pretty sure Hyperions base ones are low as well.

    For Psylocke it's higher because it goes with her passive and she doesn't have a lot of damage elsewhere. Storm by contrast has high damage specials (which are affected by crit/crit dmg) and they have to keep it lower so she won't get out of control.

    That's my theory anyways. We'll see what they answer.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    edited September 2017
    Hey, look at it this way.. no reason to use crit team synergies with her. I've actually dropped some crit rating from my usual team because +155 attack is going to beat that 4th crit bonus almost every time. Champs with low base crit will benefit more.

    Your assumptions are spot on though, it is DR and the cliff is steep. Look at rocket raccoon. His sig is virtually useless.

    I know you are talking about crit damage but the principle is the same for crit rating, armor and more. Attack seems to scale just fine, however.
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