True Strike glitch??

I was fighting darkhawk with venom and venom had true Strike buff and darkhawk was in stealth mode and venom was missing the hits on darkhawk. Is this normal or a glitch?
Well that sucks. It makes logical sense, but still sucks nonetheless
It wouldn't matter anyway. His modes are immune to AAR.
true strike doesn't reduce their ability accuracy though, it just ignores autoblock and parry
Doesn't TS not work on his shield mode, though?
Auto block failed pops up
I remember in DotA and LoL, true Strike meant you can't do anything when the true Strike hits - be it evade or miss. Anyway my inference was wrong. Out of curiosity, what's the buff called which can ignore the chance miss.
The 2 daredevils, don’t know why leave it out to be honest, real “helpful” tho.
I mean it makes perfect LOGICAL sense why daredevil would not be affected but it says it nowhere in his abilities
I didn’t test this but does this also mean daredevil can’t miss hood while invisible?
It ridiculous for kabam to assume that players would figure this out by themselves, outside of randomly stumbling upon it lol, when so much of the comic lore for a lot the characters is just thrown out the window and far removed from logic.
Hey shouldn’t so and so do this and that, oh no? Ah daredevil is the exception lol of course
That’s correct. That’s actually where we all learned about his ability to ignore invisibility.
And armor + resistances...and since autoblock isn't specified a under TS (granted, it had existed a long time before AB came out), I think it counts as a resistance.
Actually his mode Switching isn’t affected by ability accuracy not the actual mode’s abilities
Just had to clarify this is a bug that Kabam refuses to acknowledge because not enough people care or just didn’t read the abilities correctly.