Can you do that with a max 4*, or would she be too squishy/would she time out? Currently facing a 5-65 Medusa boss in tier 10 and our top players have 2-3 4-55 5*, none of which are Domino...but we do have several 5-50s
Great fight! But almost timing out probably isnt what I would say cleanest. She definitely is one of the counters to Medusa. After R5 Ghost, it feel like the fights get too long lol. Take a look at this for reference where I takedown same lvl Medusa boss in under 45 seconds which could have been 35 at max if I didn't 'Dance' too much:
I used 10% boost and held my sp3 so long waiting for unlucky,ghost is insane..mine is at r2 its about time ,but see the reference to lucky and unlucky here