The one champions whose after-win animation you never skip.....

I know there is already a post going on best sp3 graphics, who do you think has the most cool/funny after-win animations??
For me it's beast and sparky....
For me it's beast and sparky....
Dr. Zola
Same about the Disco lights after Deadpool wins😂. You can't expect such things in places like surtur's den😉
Who says a Nordic fire demon can’t enjoy some leisure suits and BeeGees?
Dr. Zola
Aegon: look at these muscles baby😎
(You can just look at them unless you want to get beaten up)
seeing that shet after dying to him 200 times on mini maze would make u hate him with all ur strengh
- Sentinel's is simple, but always sends a little shock of Nostalgia down my spine.
- Darkhawk's is super short, but I can feel the impact when he hits the ground
- Archangel's, because I absolutely love his wings and the animation when they flap
Ever tried to stare at ghost Rider??
Especially when you are low on connection 😂.
oh boi i love Archaengel's one . Stark spideys is nostalgic but i can never skip it even if i want to for some reason. But the absolute best was when i had connection issues and gwenpools one was there for a good 6-7 minutes
1. Gwenpool and her somersault (at least she tries I mean😓)
2. Finding Ant-Man🐜🔍
3. Don't want to see your face again. (Kingpin)
4. I stepped on a Lego!!!! (Hulk, juggernaut, rhino etc.)
5. Want to tear the ground beneath my feet.(venom, sabretooth)
6. Arms malfunction ( Howard the 🐤)
7. Ghost protocol (Ghost)
8. Clearing the dust off my fellows from my suit (imiw)
9. Wanna be like wolverine (Cap. IW)
10. Pole dance🙄 ( mordo)
Also, I just recently realized that Rocket touches his chin after a few seconds,, which I find really funny 😂
Void when channeling danny rand.
NC when he farts out of existance leaving his sword behind.
Iceman doing his superman pose.
Mags raising his arms a bit to tell us he is the most powerful mutant yet not so much in game haha
1. the champion lol i just be like lmao when he kills me his winning animation is hilarious lol
2. darkhawk ( super hero landing in the way ) haha great ending
3. green goblin lol i always love it when he just flies toward the end specially when he killls you with sp3
there are only top 3 but i like the wasp's too great one
I love Nightcralwers too. Backflip, suspended annnd BAMF left his sword.
How many swords do you think he goes through? He should have a persistent charge where you lose a sword charge each time you win, and when he runs out of swords he can’t enter swashbuckling mode and gets 3x more potent furies (because he’s ticked off he lost all his swords)
Gwenpool, Deadpool, Howard, Kingpin, Ghost, AA