
I think it would be sweet to introduce a way to trade champions you have for champions you don’t or you would prefer. For instance I like draw but only have him 3 star would trade someone to get a five star if I could and I got a few guys I don’t care to use that are five stars. I feel it would allow players to Build their questing and wars teams with being able to add a character you like. I know there’s some kinks like trading a rank 4 duped for rank 2 unduped and what not bet if u just carry them over and make the character going to u a rank 4 duped and their character what they have. Rank 2 unduped but I think this would make the game a bit more fun espically when your on those crappy crystals runs
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This 10000% will never happen and kabam is a business. Their game is based of RNG and gambling), this will never happen.
More than 1000 results on the topic. Glad someone made a new one.
To help keep the Forum tidy, I'll go ahead and close this one.