Cosmic Catalyst Quest Troubles

Ok, so I’ve been running through the cosmic catalyst quest to get some tier threes for my new Proxima and the quest has had some trash luck. I don’t know if it’s a bug that’s refusing to give me the catalyst or if I just suck, but I’ve run through the quest about seven times and I haven’t gotten a full tier 3 catalyst once. I don’t know if this is just really bad luck or if this is a whack bug with the new update. If there’s any light to be shed on this, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’ve used a lot of energy refills.


  • SgtAnime1SgtAnime1 Member Posts: 66
    Ugh, I'm sorry. But it's all luck. On the quest map, you'll notice there are two chests. Each one with a chance to drop a full catalyst, but also a chance to drop some Catalyst fragments. There has never been a guarantee to get a full catalyst from these Quests.

    The good news is that we're introducing random T3CCs to the Glory store, but that won't be until Map 7 goes live.

    Thanks for the heads up on the crystal and the feedback. It’s just rough to run through it so many times.
  • AceLuffySaboAceLuffySabo Member Posts: 286 ★★
    Been through the same thing a week ago, just got my 5* Corvus and I had everything ready to get him to rank 4 except for two T3 Cosmics. Over 8 runs and I did not get any fully formed t3cc; what annoyed me the most is that I had to use so many energy refills for t3 catalysts but yeah, its all about luck I guess
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★
    You can view the quest rewards and there is no full catalyst on 100% completion.

    Opening chests to obtain a full catalyst is really RNG.
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