Dungeon Change Suggestion

The partner finder for Dungeons is such a huge hit or miss that it makes doing dungeons a huge pain, either I get a great partner who communicates and we get through a couple rooms, or, more often, I get a trash partner who doesn't bother to communicate, rush in on the wrong nodes, throw fights, or just play so bad that they die before getting to the first miniboss. It's frustrating to lose my best champs for three to four days because my random partner died before we could even clear the first room. So my suggestion is that if you are in a random party and fail to complete the first room or your partner leaves immediately after joining (It happens to me more than I thought it would), your teams doesn't get put on cooldown. I know many people are going to say that I should just do dungeons with friends, but it's hard to get on while they're on and it's not always possible to play with friends, especially if my top champs are way higher ranks then their's. This change I'm suggesting is only for the first room, only for random matches, and only if one miniboss is still standing.