Game has issues, pots are for a 4 star world...and things are gonna have to change.



  • Jaydubb4Jaydubb4 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2019
    @rwhack I'm in ISO8 also and have been playing for years! Over 3 yrs to be exact. I feel kabam had lost touch now with its player base due to one thing and one thing only! Greed! Ive talked about a number of things with my alliance in regards to retiring becsuse of the way kabam has treated us as a player base and I don't want to support it anymore! I can't even imagine the cost of being in a #3 alliance in the world! The potions need to be updated to reflect a % of health given not a number given. That way it's even throughout all star level champions and costs the same amount to heal up a 3* as it does a 6*. Now let's talk about ranking up champions! Pfft wait, Nvm we have to wait a few months to build enough gold just to take a 5* to r345 so I'll come back to you on that in main chat in 3 months, but by that time I'll probably have a newer champion that I'd like to rank up before the previous one so it's gonna take a few more months to get the gold for that one becsuse I had to start with him at r1! Kabam needs to understand that real people have jobs and cannot spend 12 to 15 hours a day in arena to grind their life away for gold! It just makes you hate the game and wanna quit! After almost 4 yrs I'm to the point of wanting to quit. It's honestly too much of the same buggy lagging, money grabbing **** that I'm sick of. So yeah I totally agree and feel the exact same way most of the community does. Pay to win or get sick of it and quit! And masteries, let's talk about those. Once you buy the masteries you want they should be unlocked and free to move however you'd like, and you should be able to move single points as well as take away single points! After all they are MY masteries right?
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    I fully agree with the post. Change is needed. Positive change that balances customer satisfaction with the need to line your pockets.

    Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered. Something for a business to consider.
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  • MarcusUnreadMarcusUnread Member Posts: 143
    These concerns really must be addressed. Players are retiring en masse because of these issues among others.

    1 Star ⭐️ Reviews are surely coming to the App Store along with drastically reduced spending from the player base if these issues aren’t taken care of.
  • TheXavienTheXavien Member Posts: 5
    I have personally made these requests about a dozen times over my gameplay over the years. There are certain quality of life changes that can be implemented without completely effecting the bottom line dollars. But I feel that the company is very disconnected with the needs and wants of the community which in my opinion is not ridiculous or outlandish. To get a t1 325 pot to heal 14k champ is simply ridiculous. The whole point of this game is it purports itself to be a free to play. Yet there is no where I can acquire these resources regardless of how many hours I play. This false premise is what needs to be addressed, I don't mind buying hundreds of dollars of Odins to enjoy this game with things I feel valuable, but I will never open up my wallet if this company continues to be petty with resources. I can't even bring four stars in for synergy purposes? Then why even have four stars and moreover why even have synergies if I can't use them. I don't even use my 1, 2, 3 stars because the compensation that comes with it is it worth it. So why even have it on my roster? I have an alliance with several arena grinders which every hour has 1000 or more helps, and you expect me to sit there and tap help 4, 250times until it breaks, and then I'm down to pressing them individually? This is not productive fun or incentivize me to open up my wallet which I'm happy to do for the right cause as are many others in the community. These negatively impactful changes to the game in addition to the sheer volume of content is going to cause the community to band together again which will certainly be to kabam detriment. It's advisable that as a company we all have a discussion to see how we can move this game forward
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,729 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    I agree pots are for 4 stars higher and higher we go with champs stars higher health meaning even more potions to use which increases the amount of units spent and heals needed just to get them at a good amount so need to really get better potions
  • JuliiiiienJuliiiiien Member Posts: 7
    With all due respect, the post could make sense if it wasn’t looking like whining from the top allies finding ways to workaround the game in many nasty ways.

    Justifying the fraudulent buying of items as « the only way to deal with current state of the game » sounds exactly the same to me than « we can’t cheat more than our friends, so we might be booted out of Master ». Maybe the master allies should understand that you created this situation by escalating Everyday your craziness about beating the others by cheating always a bit more without getting caught.

    The list from colluding, arena botting, fraudulent unit buying, merc, piloting, all cale from this rotten top tier people spoiling the game of regular players, and being the most vocal because you think that if you spend more you have a larger voice.

    That’s a shame that from a potential valuable feedback, all we can read in the post is « whine whine whine ».

    Also, I agree on the badge measure, limiting the number of item and within your ally might have been an intermediate step. Scaling the pots with L5 and L6 at a higher but reasonable amount of units / glory should be considered with regards to the item cap in war (15 items in 2016 was manageable, today you may run out of item quickly). Too bad this post is tainted with so much whining from breaching the T&C of the game, in favour of a very very tiny part of the player base, for a situation they themselves created.

    I don’t think we are in a 12.0 like situation as you try to pretend, the majority of the community is despising you and laughing about your whining.
  • BossdogBossdog Member Posts: 30
    What a great post totally agree
  • BossdogBossdog Member Posts: 30
    I never changed my icon to a skrull whys kabam messing with my icon
  • NickMerksNickMerks Member Posts: 64
    Dormammu we have come to bargain.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    NickMerks said:

    Dormammu we have come to bargain.

    NickMerks said:

    Dormammu we have come to bargain.

    Dormammu is more responsive.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★

    After some calculations the other night, I found out I have spent over 12 thousand dollars on Kabam deals since OCTOBER 2018 , and it sickens me. I never considered myself a whale, and I never realized how fast the numbers climbed, but this looks like this is the end of the road for me.

    I am already going itemless in alliance war, and if the cost to heal and revive champions in general isn't reduced significantly and in the very near future I'm done.

    Being able to be gifted potions from friends to finish difficult content (solo content, war and alliance quest), is the reason players are able to buy all these Kabam deals in the first place.

    Until ingame costs are reduced significantly (by at least half), I am cutting my spending by at least 90%, if not quitting altogether. I am glad they went after fraudsters, but it's also a shame what happened to this game. I agree wholeheartedly with the OP and everyone else.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hey @rwhack,

    Thanks for bringing this up! This is something that we have seen discussed in the Community before. As a coincidental positive side-effect of removing the flood of low cost units and grey market resources from third party fraudulent sellers, we'll be able to get a much more accurate and balanced picture of the game's economy and data on our content.

    Until now, we've only been able to go off of what we see, which is mostly skewed data because of some users using these sources.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★

    Losing just once in war with a boosted champ can cost 8 6k heals at 100 units each plus another 180 units for an alliance revive. Thats 980 units after dying once. Very few players can afford to pay $40-$50 to heal up a champion. Many players in the master and platinum and even gold tiers were able to play it in the first place because of low cost potions. I'm glad you're going after the credit card fraudsters but there's a reason many players in the community bought cheaper potions, because they wouldn't be able to play the game otherwise.

    The overall cost of healing costs need to be cut in half at least for the game to be able to thrive. Right now there are many chats buzzing with talks of boycott. Many players are quitting altogether. This is a great game, it would be a shame to see it fail.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★

    Hey @rwhack,

    Thanks for bringing this up! This is something that we have seen discussed in the Community before. As a coincidental positive side-effect of removing the flood of low cost units and grey market resources from third party fraudulent sellers, we'll be able to get a much more accurate and balanced picture of the game's economy and data on our content.

    Until now, we've only been able to go off of what we see, which is mostly skewed data because of some users using these sources.

    I appreciate the response but we’ve been told it was being “looked into” for some time now. It’s not hard to see that the meta of the game has changed. Quite frankly the reason gifted items became so popular is that the items are overpriced. The mastery changes are beyond annoying. They’re poorly done and we get to pay for it. I suggest you reach to some key people in the community. Changes need to be made. Id rather blow money on cavalier crystals than overpaying for boostpacks that have items I can’t use, pots that are too small for the game, and mastery changes. The latter bring no fun into it. The former can be. If it isn’t fun there’s no reason to play.

    Thank you for listening, I hope there is action real soon.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    Ever since the introduction of seasons, many alliances have broken up, few reasons being:

    1. Rewards were being valued more over friendship.
    2. Expense of war.
    3. Stress of war.

    In the beginning there used to be long waiting lists to get in highly desirable teams. These days recruiters are practically begging for good enough talent.

    Over the last year this game went from being:

    to serious
    to not fun
    to a chore
    to being a nuisance

    Defenders are becoming more difficult, expenses have gone way up, nodes have become more irritating in both war and in other areas of the game like AQ, variant, and other side quests, and with the ban on gifting and the current nodes were seeing in the season 10 beta, I'm telling you...many players are going to straight up retire.

    Maybe it's not showing up in your statistics, but I and many of these other guys are in the trenches and we the nasty effects within our own teams and many others on LINE chats.

    Players are tired of the grind. I've spent 12 grand in the last 6 months and I'm about to call it quits. There needs to be a significant quality of life improvement within the game and a giant reduction in overall cost or players won't stick around anymore.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    rwhack said:

    Hey @rwhack,

    Thanks for bringing this up! This is something that we have seen discussed in the Community before. As a coincidental positive side-effect of removing the flood of low cost units and grey market resources from third party fraudulent sellers, we'll be able to get a much more accurate and balanced picture of the game's economy and data on our content.

    Until now, we've only been able to go off of what we see, which is mostly skewed data because of some users using these sources.

    I appreciate the response but we’ve been told it was being “looked into” for some time now. It’s not hard to see that the meta of the game has changed. Quite frankly the reason gifted items became so popular is that the items are overpriced. The mastery changes are beyond annoying. They’re poorly done and we get to pay for it. I suggest you reach to some key people in the community. Changes need to be made. Id rather blow money on cavalier crystals than overpaying for boostpacks that have items I can’t use, pots that are too small for the game, and mastery changes. The latter bring no fun into it. The former can be. If it isn’t fun there’s no reason to play.

    Thank you for listening, I hope there is action real soon.

    Yes, we have been looking into it for quite some time, but during that same time, there was an influx of fraudulent units and cheap resources that skewed our data heavily. This hurt everyday Summoners because we could not see the effect that certain content our changes had because of those Summoners that made use of them. We're happy that we'll finally be able to get an untainted view of the game's economy balance.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    edited March 2019

    Yes, we have been looking into it for quite some time, but during that same time, there was an influx of fraudulent units and cheap resources that skewed our data heavily. This hurt everyday Summoners because we could not see the effect that certain content our changes had because of those Summoners that made use of them. We're happy that we'll finally be able to get an untainted view of the game's economy balance.

    Do you know approximately how long it takes to get the data in? We can tell you guys now that it's extremely expensive to heal. Hope to see a change soon.
  • Sank_10Sank_10 Member Posts: 11
    Totally love this post. Thank you @rwhack for writting this.
  • aVaT4raVaT4r Member Posts: 4
    Great post rwhack. Only thing I would add is the need to buy boosts with loyalty and the scarcity of loyalty generally. The help button that can only do 4 at a time and causes connection issues every time you hit it, is outdated. A simple 'help all' button would be better and removing the 1000 daily cap or increasing it to 5k or 10k would also encourage more arena from folks.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    aVaT4r said:

    Great post rwhack. Only thing I would add is the need to buy boosts with loyalty and the scarcity of loyalty generally. The help button that can only do 4 at a time and causes connection issues every time you hit it, is outdated. A simple 'help all' button would be better and removing the 1000 daily cap or increasing it to 5k or 10k would also encourage more arena from folks.

    Loyalty, gold, BC are way too high donation wise for AQ. Loyalty is accumulated in a way that makes zero sense.

    I’m really disappointed in the complete lack of grasping what is fun and what is tedious. It’s what happens when accountants look at lagging measurements an mistake they for KPI or leading ones.
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