Catalysts were consumed but my champ DIDN'T rank up

Hello everyone ..

I've been waiting for so long to finally max rank my SW .. and i finally bought the last pieces of the 3rd t4 mystic catalysts.

After that i went to rank up SW .. everything was ok and i leveled her up (6 levels i guess) .. went to the stash to claim more ISOs and when i went back to keep leveling up she was BACK at rank 4 AND all t4 basic and class catalysts are consumed. I don't know the cause of that and i've never faced any similar issues before.

Now im stuck and can't progress in the game any further because of that. Help would really appreciated.

User name: 30day~1


  • 30day30day Member Posts: 3
    nevermind .. i ranked up my Magic by mistake :(((((
  • 30day30day Member Posts: 3
    if there is any way to undo that, I will love Kbam for life :((
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    edited March 2019
    Hey 30day, I recommend reviewing THIS article. If you have any further questions or concerns about this accidental Rank Up, please reach out to our Support Team by clicking on "Need more help? Contact us", located at the bottom of that article.
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