Just got Nick. What should I do?

SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
So I just got nick fury as a 4 star today and immediately ranked him to rank 3. I was originally planning to awaken doc voodoo and rank him up but I don’t have enough mystic catalysts to rank him up to even rank 2. I also can’t play at thursday because I have school. Here are my questions:
- Should I awaken nick or voodoo?
- Is Nick good unawakened? Is he better at countering evade than Night Thrasher (my night thrasher is already awakened and at rank 4)?
- Is there an easy way to get tier 4 basic catalysts, mystic catalysts, and awakening gems?
Any response would be greatly appreciated! I’m seriously conflicted right now.


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  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    edited August 2019
    Are u sure? I’m kind of a noob and I often get hit. From what I learned Nick is best played at low health. Anyways thanks @humzah217 !
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    also should Nick replace my Night Thrasher?
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    What other champs on your tram are there that nick could replace
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 241 ★★
    Nick is a beast, noob or not, rank and awaken, fastest bleeder in the game right now.
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    edited August 2019
    @Lvernon15 My squad right now is 5 star domino, 4 star magik (unawakened), 4 star night thrasher, 4 star ghulk, 4 star corvus, and 4 star sentinel (all awakened besides magik and dom). I dont really use magik that much though
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    @smy168 Is there a specific playstyle for Nick after he goes into real nick mode?
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    I’d swap out either hulk or magik unless there’s a specific need for them, also the way to play real nick is to use the s1 to get between 15-19 charges, get a passive bleed then use light ending combos
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    I actually dont play magik much so I might switch out ghulk.
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    What is the best way to inflict Internal bleed? Do mediums or lights?
  • Albi⁴7²00⁴Albi⁴7²00⁴ Member Posts: 90
    Keep doing medium-medium combos and pary-heavy. That's the fastest way to inflict internal bleed
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  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    Thanks for the tip @Albi⁴7²00⁴ ! I’ll try to do that when I play tomorrow.
  • Albi⁴7²00⁴Albi⁴7²00⁴ Member Posts: 90
    Also try the light ending combos and if you have two or more points in deep wounds it will make great bleed damage
  • MasterChief1176MasterChief1176 Member Posts: 213
    Use an awakening gem, his attacks can't be blocked at low health plus he comes back to life with a fury buff
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    One of the nice things about Nick Fury is that once he gets stacked up to ignore Evade, he ignores Miss as well, which can be helpful. Also, while he doesn't ignore Auto-Block, he is Stun Immune when hitting into it and Bleeds opponents who do Auto-Block hime.
  • SkyBlueGamingSkyBlueGaming Member Posts: 128
    Thanks everyone for your thoughts on Nick! I wasn’t actually expecting Kabam Zibiit to respond to my question. I’ll awaken him today and play him to see if I can use him right. I don’t really go for the higher end masteries like deep wounds though.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    End combos with light attacks for stronger bleed
    Get 20 charges so your unblockable
    Once your unblockable, do more light attack combos and sp2s.
  • continutecontinute Member Posts: 6
    You can put him in AW
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 241 ★★
    edited August 2019

    @smy168 Is there a specific playstyle for Nick after he goes into real nick mode?

    not particularly, you cab bulldog him and at first run he can cause some good to great damage via bleeds, and on the clone you can pretty much expect amazing damage.

    I personally do a ton of Parrying and then a serious Heavy, once you hit 8 stacks of bleeds, he cause internal bleeding.

    I ususally get to 20 plus charges and Unblockable comes in as well. And Fury's Fury cause major crit damage.

    Mine at Max 5 max Sig....love him!
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