not sure but maybe human torch is frostbite immune, I only have him as a 3* and 4*.. but I believe he is, can someone with 5* or 6* Human Torch verify this.. thanks.
CapIW with a skill champ. Gulk works because he heals 70% of damage over time damage besides poison, since he is immune.
You got the gulk thing wrong it's only against passive DOTs. Also cap could work if awakened and put skill on ur team or just use a regeneration champ
You or someone else can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that skill perk with cap works for debuffs you start the fight with like coldsnap or suicides
not sure but maybe human torch is frostbite immune, I only have him as a 3* and 4*.. but I believe he is, can someone with 5* or 6* Human Torch verify this.. thanks.
not sure but maybe human torch is frostbite immune, I only have him as a 3* and 4*.. but I believe he is, can someone with 5* or 6* Human Torch verify this.. thanks.
CapIW with a skill champ. Gulk works because he heals 70% of damage over time damage besides poison, since he is immune.
You got the gulk thing wrong it's only against passive DOTs. Also cap could work if awakened and put skill on ur team or just use a regeneration champ
You or someone else can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that skill perk with cap works for debuffs you start the fight with like coldsnap or suicides
I honestly don't know tbh I kind of just assumed it did I could be wrong though and if I am another option is a regeneration champ or HT
CapIW with a skill champ. Gulk works because he heals 70% of damage over time damage besides poison, since he is immune.
You got the gulk thing wrong it's only against passive DOTs. Also cap could work if awakened and put skill on ur team or just use a regeneration champ
You or someone else can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that skill perk with cap works for debuffs you start the fight with like coldsnap or suicides
I honestly don't know tbh I kind of just assumed it did I could be wrong though and if I am another option is a regeneration champ or HT
Yeah I think you have to have a kinetic charge already when the debuff gets placed for it to purify. It doesn't purify a debuff you already had when you get the charge I don't think
CapIW with a skill champ. Gulk works because he heals 70% of damage over time damage besides poison, since he is immune.
You got the gulk thing wrong it's only against passive DOTs. Also cap could work if awakened and put skill on ur team or just use a regeneration champ
You or someone else can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that skill perk with cap works for debuffs you start the fight with like coldsnap or suicides
I honestly don't know tbh I kind of just assumed it did I could be wrong though and if I am another option is a regeneration champ or HT
Yeah I think you have to have a kinetic charge already when the debuff gets placed for it to purify. It doesn't purify a debuff you already had when you get the charge I don't think
Sound like you're past him, OP. Still, for clarity about CAIW: Cap won't work with a Skill champ.
However, as an option for those without Nick Fury: Cap's Science synergy (not his Awakened ability) with Hulk/Ghulk/Classic Cap puts a passive weakness on opponents when not hitting you. So with Science champs, this synergy would reduce everyone's Coldsnap damage by 50%.
He's the answer for everything.
However, as an option for those without Nick Fury: Cap's Science synergy (not his Awakened ability) with Hulk/Ghulk/Classic Cap puts a passive weakness on opponents when not hitting you. So with Science champs, this synergy would reduce everyone's Coldsnap damage by 50%.