Know Issues 8th Novembers : Needs really strong fix

vish04vish04 Member Posts: 52
Dear MCOC team,

we Summoners are still unable to play:
Unable to progress in Arena
Fights in Arena Not Accurately Displaying Win/Loss
Rewards from Duplicating Champions going to Rewards section of Stash
Some Players unable to claim Milestone Rewards
Some Players Unable to claim Objective Rewards
Some Players Unable to mark messages as Read
Boosts unavailable in Loyalty Store for Some Players
Some Alliances were un-Enlisted/enlisted from War

This all requires a very strong fix along with the arena not to reset the streak on arena.

Hope the MCOC teams really fix this soon with their maintenance or patch update.

we all summoners are awaiting for the game to get normal ASAP.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos

hope we are heard of the above issues


  • NaseersidNaseersid Member Posts: 3
    Need a fix ASAP
  • Vapors1986Vapors1986 Member Posts: 2
    Summoners vigil was totally worthless today due to down time too.
  • tastybischtastybisch Member Posts: 3
    Hey mods, it says “unable to collect objective rewards” was fixed, but I’m still unable to. Have refreshed/reopened the game multiple times. FYI.
  • vish04vish04 Member Posts: 52

    Hey guys,

    I know you're all frustrated, but there we can't work any faster or harder than we already are. It's 10pm on a Friday night, and we still have our team here working to fix these issues. They're working as hard as they can, and we're going to do everything we can to get the game working correctly!

    Thank you for a quick reply!!

    I know you guys are doing a great Job!!

    we all summoners wish you all the best for doing the hard work on Friday night & appreciate all the efforts that you put to get the game back on track!!!

    We appreciate & thank you from all the summoners on my behalf
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★

    Hey guys,

    I know you're all frustrated, but there we can't work any faster or harder than we already are. It's 10pm on a Friday night, and we still have our team here working to fix these issues. They're working as hard as they can, and we're going to do everything we can to get the game working correctly!

    Thanks for sticking with it..
  • Neon_BlakkNeon_Blakk Member Posts: 12
    Claiming rewards is still not fixed!!
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268

    Claiming rewards is still not fixed!!

    Which rewards are you having trouble claiming?
  • Archit_Tandon498Archit_Tandon498 Member Posts: 325 ★★

    Claiming rewards is still not fixed!!

    Which rewards are you having trouble claiming?
    ISO from duping champs and milestone from yesterday's advancement solo event.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★

    Hey guys,

    I know you're all frustrated, but there we can't work any faster or harder than we already are. It's 10pm on a Friday night, and we still have our team here working to fix these issues. They're working as hard as they can, and we're going to do everything we can to get the game working correctly!

    Wow Miike, are you still up?

    On the bright side, consider if this crash had happened at 2am Saturday PDT.

    Seems like most things are working. Thanks.
  • Neon_BlakkNeon_Blakk Member Posts: 12
    Milestone rewards kicks me out with a lost connection screen @Kabam Miike
  • Neon_BlakkNeon_Blakk Member Posts: 12
    Trying to claim the solo objective rewards from the stash also freezes and then eventually kicks me out with lost connection error.
  • James_LebeauJames_Lebeau Member Posts: 13
    Me too, I am not able to continue arena and claim solo event milestone reward
  • Scarlet_Sword7Scarlet_Sword7 Member Posts: 3
    Able to collect new rewards. But not able to collect rewards for solo objective and other milestone already completed.
  • Marcopolo50Marcopolo50 Member Posts: 3
    Am still get the problem of arena and quest repeated fight after the update
  • ArrsssArrsss Member Posts: 41
    I still cannot collect rewards from yesterday. Game crashes when I try. I see I’m not the only one :(
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★

    Hey guys,

    I know you're all frustrated, but there we can't work any faster or harder than we already are. It's 10pm on a Friday night, and we still have our team here working to fix these issues. They're working as hard as they can, and we're going to do everything we can to get the game working correctly!

    Whats going on with medusa? Does the person or people who "fixed" her with this last update even kbow what they did? I like the description change and the thought behind it, having the armor break icon appear next to the shatter is awesome and its great that you gave her shatter the power of armor break in the situations she needs that but its not actually working and whatever they did made it so her damage doesnt increase with the 2nd shatter, at all, it actually slightly decreased, i have before and after videos if theres a place i should post them, same synergy team, same fight, 6 furies, 2 shatters, much different damage.
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  • vish04vish04 Member Posts: 52
    Dear Mcoc team,

    just a note a lot of summoners are still unable to claim rewards & have trouble with disconnection of game in between of the ongoing game.

    I know all of you are doing the great job to keep the game on mark, but had to update on the feedback by summoners who are still facing the issue

    just a update note @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos

    on Behalf summoners would appreciate the hard work that you & you're team are putting in the game to get back on track
  • CurtisisGod1971CurtisisGod1971 Member Posts: 78
    Appreciate y’all working on it. I’ve posted several times in different chats about gameplay mechanics not working properly. I’m patiently waiting for the fix. Thank you.
  • Cubanito2315Cubanito2315 Member Posts: 36
    Hello Kabam Miike. What’s going to happen to the people that couldn’t join 5 wars before this happened ? To get rewards for the season? I left the ally I was Plat2 Tier 2 in to go to a higher ally because of this I couldn’t join and lost rewards ? For the season. I’m really frustrated. Can’t play arenas , AQ messed up , Daily quest also not working properly. I hope we get some good compensation for this problem. Please , spent so much in season for me now not to receive rewards in alliance WAR. Help!! Thanks
  • MightyvirginMightyvirgin Member Posts: 5
    Arena champs locked - 05302604 ticket number raised.


    In featured 4 star arena my champs are PERMANTELLY locked. It says atonement but never let's me play or times out or use them in a different arena.

    I'm in intermediate bracket and I can no longer use my champs for featured four star arena. Please can you extend my intermediate status so I get an equal amount of time as an intermediate player. See the pictures attached in the ticket number above which show you what happens when I try and play arena. It is impossible for me to increase my score and I'm not going to get the four star featured champ with 875k when I need to get 1.5 million as a minimum for an older champ.

    As I am locked out of four star featured arena will my intermediate status be extended by a week?
  • MightyvirginMightyvirgin Member Posts: 5

  • MightyvirginMightyvirgin Member Posts: 5
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos

    See above text and picture as I have seen others post they have been permanently locked out of some arenas. The idea of being in intermediate bracket is that it's time limited to give you a chance to get a decent roster. This is why I ask will you extend the intermediate status by a week?
  • Injustice88Injustice88 Member Posts: 1
    Win streak in arena is reset because they stuck and count as KO, AQ messed up and AW are reset from enlisted, we lost 1 day to have some scoring in season AW.. i think kabam should consider some good compensation on it
  • MightyvirginMightyvirgin Member Posts: 5

    The arena streak has not been reset. The champs are locked stopping them to time out or use in a different arena. I cant get past this stage or use them. Being in intermediate bracket this is quite serious as I'm disadvantaged against bigger account and other new players. They should award good compensation just for this alone. I'd be happy with a week extension on intermediate bracket or given the five star shards and champ. I've updated the game and this is still happening. I sent a ticket thinking they could unlock the champs. The ticket number is above in previous post so they can see my account or extend all new players by a week who are intermediate and beginner.

    @Injustice88 @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos

  • MightyvirginMightyvirgin Member Posts: 5

    This is how they look when I go to another or the same arena
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