Venom true strike vs dark hawk sp 2 stealth mode

I thought it was weird to have an opponent below 15% health making all my attacks miss I was (Venom) with True Strike up. My opponent was (Dark hawk) after the match I went to read the description on him it states he Goes into stealth mode and has 30% chance to make his opponents light and medium attacks miss. I was playing as Venom in a event quest up the middle path up to silver surfer when I noticed it. I read another champion (Nightcrawler) he has it somewhat similar 22% chance to evade all attacks and 15% increase if it is against physical attack. In all 37% to evade but against venom in a true strike fight He has no chance venom ignores all his evades. I feel it should be the same against Dark hawk ignoring his 30% chance to make opponents miss ability while being in true strike. Otherwise it is not really true.


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Miss and evading are 2 totally different mechanics.........
  • Ru55ellpaulRu55ellpaul Member Posts: 20
    Yeah but true strike ignore evade auto blocks etc. but if I go to hit him with a 4 hit combo miss miss miss miss. 4 times really? That’s basically 25% 50% 75% ok now 100% he made my attacks miss not 30%
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    because miss is not an evade, its not difficult to understand lol
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Take ghost for example, while she is phased, sure your punch will hit the space where her body actually is, but you will not hit her because she is phased, that's called a miss because she's not actually trying to evade but rather she is standing still and watching you punch through her body.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Besides, true strike only helps you with autoblock and evade, if it doesn't say that true strike helps with miss, then accept the fact and move on.
  • Ru55ellpaulRu55ellpaul Member Posts: 20
    For some reason I never miss ghost. It’s just dark hawk for some reason that’s a good example shown above though.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    edited December 2019

    For some reason I never miss ghost. It’s just dark hawk for some reason that’s a good example shown above though.

    Because in the abilities ghost when hitting into her block she will deactivate phasing.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, as others have mentioned, Miss and Evade are different abilities. True Strike does allow a Champion to ignore Armor, Resistances, Auto-Block, and Evade effects but since Miss is a separate ability, True Strike doesn't affect it.
  • Ru55ellpaulRu55ellpaul Member Posts: 20
    Ok Thanks the guy above champion critic cleared that but it still clarifies a 30% chance to miss incoming attacks. In the game if we are only allowed to do a 5-7 hit combo he should only be allowed to miss 2 incoming strikes tops anything over 2/5 is 40%.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★

    Ok Thanks the guy above champion critic cleared that but it still clarifies a 30% chance to miss incoming attacks. In the game if we are only allowed to do a 5-7 hit combo he should only be allowed to miss 2 incoming strikes tops anything over 2/5 is 40%.

    It's 30% chance per hit that can miss bro, each hit has a 30% chance to miss, cannot just combine a 5 hit combo and determine the miss percentage.....
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★

    Ok Thanks the guy above champion critic cleared that but it still clarifies a 30% chance to miss incoming attacks. In the game if we are only allowed to do a 5-7 hit combo he should only be allowed to miss 2 incoming strikes tops anything over 2/5 is 40%.

    Nope, you don’t Understand how rng works, there’s a 30% chance or 3/10 chance per hit, in a 5 combo he can miss 5 times, the math is 3/10 to power 5, which is 243/100000 chance of 5 straight missed hits or a 0.243% chance, it’s unlikely but it’s there
  • Ru55ellpaulRu55ellpaul Member Posts: 20
    Damn your right. I miss that math problem. Lol it’s ok though so true strike not true against miss ability I’m good with that. Thanks for clarification from all. I’ll keep him under Sp2 from now on I just figured true strike would work I was wrong.
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