Venom true strike vs dark hawk sp 2 stealth mode

I thought it was weird to have an opponent below 15% health making all my attacks miss I was (Venom) with True Strike up. My opponent was (Dark hawk) after the match I went to read the description on him it states he Goes into stealth mode and has 30% chance to make his opponents light and medium attacks miss. I was playing as Venom in a event quest up the middle path up to silver surfer when I noticed it. I read another champion (Nightcrawler) he has it somewhat similar 22% chance to evade all attacks and 15% increase if it is against physical attack. In all 37% to evade but against venom in a true strike fight He has no chance venom ignores all his evades. I feel it should be the same against Dark hawk ignoring his 30% chance to make opponents miss ability while being in true strike. Otherwise it is not really true.