Time Traveler's Poll 2: What Was Your Favorite Part of 2020?



  • H_I_ZH_I_Z Member Posts: 496 ★★
    his power steal is broken, and how he starts every fight with up to 2 bars of power (3 if he has his sif). and the alliance base was nice, but the autofight in arenas was lit. I also really liked how they finally gave champs for gold and units. THe absolute best part though was fighting someone live.
  • Nightbat216Nightbat216 Member Posts: 195
    Galactus Event
    H_I_Z said:

    his power steal is broken, and how he starts every fight with up to 2 bars of power (3 if he has his sif). and the alliance base was nice, but the autofight in arenas was lit. I also really liked how they finally gave champs for gold and units. THe absolute best part though was fighting someone live.

    But you forgot the awesome new addition act 7 giving 8 tier 3 alphas and 7 tier 6 basics for exploration
  • ArylAryl Member Posts: 1,302 ★★★★
    Groot's buff
    Oh come on, @Kabam Miike

    You're just going to glaze over Venom the Patriotpool like it didn't happen?
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Aryl said:

    Oh come on, @Kabam Miike

    You're just going to glaze over Venom the Patriotpool like it didn't happen?

    What a train wreck of a champ. He has so many animations he crashes anything that isn’t an iPhone 11 Pro
  • Nightbat216Nightbat216 Member Posts: 195
    edited December 2019
    Galactus Event

    Aryl said:

    Oh come on, @Kabam Miike

    You're just going to glaze over Venom the Patriotpool like it didn't happen?

    What a train wreck of a champ. He has so many animations he crashes anything that isn’t an iPhone 11 Pro
    You mean the iPhone 25 galaxy max? When apple bought Samsung
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★

    Aryl said:

    Oh come on, @Kabam Miike

    You're just going to glaze over Venom the Patriotpool like it didn't happen?

    What a train wreck of a champ. He has so many animations he crashes anything that isn’t an iPhone 11 Pro
    You mean the iPhone 25 galaxy max ?
    Yeah or... *glances around* emulating it on a 256GB Ram PC. It’s legit the only way to get more than 15 FPS with that guy. Even the 25GalaxyMax can only go to like 17 fps.
  • Nightbat216Nightbat216 Member Posts: 195
    Galactus Event
    Also you forgot the new Galactus synergy with dormammu where Galactus will become more powerful every time a special of either opponents gets thrown his Basse attack increases by 500
  • Nightbat216Nightbat216 Member Posts: 195
    edited December 2019
    Galactus Event
    But venom the patriotpool is immune to all attacks that don't inflict bleed and if it inflits a bleed because he's bleed immune he will get delt 1% of his max health as direct damage but but he gets one armor up buff that increases his armor by 5000
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Nova is soooo bad, unduped...The Nova force is as bad as the Surfer's Cosmic power, but, as soon as you duped him and get the Worldmind to max sig, he's THE best champ in this game.

    Time Travellers! Please tell me if I ever got that 5-Star Magik I've been after for years!

    Forget about Magik, when you get your hand on this awesome 6* Scarlet Witch, the best Mystic champ.

  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Galactus Event
    I've been waiting for Galactus since day one lol
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Galactus Event

    Time Travellers! Please tell me if I ever got that 5-Star Magik I've been after for years!

    You don't. She is on both sides of several of your next pulls but it stops on... don't want to spoil but he is effective.
  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    Groot's buff
    Who would’ve thought his buff would be so successful and even surpasses Hype and Corvus’s damage output? It’s that Adam Warlock synergy that makes him so OP though.
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  • Arham1Arham1 Member Posts: 435 ★★
    Galactus Event

    Time Travellers! Please tell me if I ever got that 5-Star Magik I've been after for years!

    Yes in February. You made a post about how you got 5 Star Magic 11 times and got to sig 200. You even gave every player a 100 6* Nexus Crystals. And 6 star rank 1-5 gem.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,884 ★★★★★
    Alliance Bases

    Time Travellers! Please tell me if I ever got that 5-Star Magik I've been after for years!

    Yes, I trade mine with you when you enable the champion trade system :wink:
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Act 7 was a new chapter in the game, Featured the arrival of Galactus and set up the Secret Wars Faction storyline. Rewards were better but still got 4* Materials
  • RU11011RU11011 Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    I'm surprised nobody mentioned Quackneto. Sooo underrated, probably the best fusion champ in the game, especially after Howard and Magneto's buffs
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    RU11011 said:

    I'm surprised nobody mentioned Quackneto. Sooo underrated, probably the best fusion champ in the game, especially after Howard and Magneto's buffs

    And not to mention Howard the Stark!! :smile:
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  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    CodeOmega said:

    @Captain_Nietsch I died when I read about magik and me too lol

    Haha! I'm glad I can entertain you.
  • Fugitive21Fugitive21 Member Posts: 221
    Wasting my time in another game instead of this one is what I predict.
  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★
    There were no polls in 2020. It was glorious! 😜
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Groot's buff
    Professor X had the best animations this year.

  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Act 7

  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,825 ★★★★★
    V6 was the greatest content design this year
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    Squirrel Girl
    way they Reworked over 60+ champs in under 6 months in just first half of year compared to what they did in 2019 with old man logan and colossus was just incredible!!! so many old champs got new animations, some new looks even from their new game realm of legend!! man the game feels so incredibly fresh , new and just having fun ,it just doesnt feel even a 1 bit depressing if you miss out some new featured champ cause you already have 60+ champs that you haven't REDISCOVERED at all!! in fact i was playing my new and first R3 6* Diablo , R5 5* Dr.strange and boy they hit so damn Hard and still has so many Unique utilities and synergies ,not at all disappointed i Ranked them over 5* dr.doom ,6* claire voyant. i just wish i can Get 6* dracula to go along with those two, he basically makes Dr.strange into a Mystic Starlord with all his ulities! i feel like DS is now better then what he was before 12.0
  • Taiphoon_zeroTaiphoon_zero Member Posts: 110
    Groot's buff
    Everyone got 1 ⭐️ hulk for 6 year anniversary gift basically, one year after release of v4, because why not right Kabam , and when u think that can’t be worst they put in Completion rewards for act 7 4🌟 rank up gem 2 to 3 , and only 7 stars can be used , take it Or quit
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