What is Kabam doing?

Ive been thinking about this today and yesterday.Whats wrong with Kabam?Why is Namor getting nerfed?I dont care if its even a small nerf its still a nerf.People spent a lot of money getting him from the arena or cavs,using their AGs,Sigs and resorces,and know all of a sudden youre nerfing him?Mate,you earned 56 million from cyber monday deals and youre still cucking us.You know,instead of nerfing variety of new champions you could check on top alliances and cheaters who farm and sell units illegal way.The cheaters in gifting event as well.Whos next though?Warlock,Doom?Or maybe Captain Sparkles,Fury or G2099?I think its time for me to drop this game.I cant do any rank ups nowadays because of what youre doing.Such bad management.Instead of having fun,im only getting mad ranking up a champ that will get nerfed.Best regards.


  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    ege999men said:

    he was the go to damage choice for most content

    Unsure how much truth is in this - my go to damage dealers for most content tend to be Omega, Ghost, and Cap Marvel, followed by Corvus in AQ. My R5 Namor got the most use when I was exploring V2, fighting Korgs/Electros, and for some more niche matchups when I wanted to consistently mitigate unavoidable damage without having to rely on Ghost/Hood.
  • ege999menege999men Member Posts: 391 ★★

    ege999men said:

    he was the go to damage choice for most content

    Unsure how much truth is in this - my go to damage dealers for most content tend to be Omega, Ghost, and Cap Marvel, followed by Corvus in AQ. My R5 Namor got the most use when I was exploring V2, fighting Korgs/Electros, and for some more niche matchups when I wanted to consistently mitigate unavoidable damage without having to rely on Ghost/Hood.
    Ghost has a high skill cap just like quake. Some other dps options require ramp up. Namor has utility in his sig and insane damage yet every player could utilize it without practice. Best change here would be to increase his skill cap but that would require a full rework. This nerf is as good as we'll get imo
  • rcm2017rcm2017 Member Posts: 665 ★★★

    I, for one, closet-hope that Namor gets nerfed into the ground. Before bashing me.. hear me out.
    I, like many others here, dumped a lot of resources into obtaining him, 5/65 and 200/200. Love the champ, hes an absolute workhorse.
    Do i use him in every scenario? No. If i need someone with similar needs, honestly I tend to favor OR. For 90% of content he sits on the bench.

    However, with that said. If they nerf Namor... I can finally be free of this game.
    "Free?" you ask?... Well, if I were to pull up my google play purchase history, its actually extremely alarming how much I spend in this game, how much time in my day is wasted.

    This might be Kabam giving me my freedom back, and avoiding spending future money on a mobile video game.

    Seriously though.. I dont consider myself a whale in this game by any means, but 10$ here, 50$ there adds up fast. Looking between november & december I have spent over $2200 USD. Thats more than my mortgage. But thats just another issue all together.

    So please Kabam, save my life & my money and nerf Namor.

    Agree on that money spent adding up over time. Its like namors ramp up on damage... 😊
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    ege999men said:

    ege999men said:

    he was the go to damage choice for most content

    Unsure how much truth is in this - my go to damage dealers for most content tend to be Omega, Ghost, and Cap Marvel, followed by Corvus in AQ. My R5 Namor got the most use when I was exploring V2, fighting Korgs/Electros, and for some more niche matchups when I wanted to consistently mitigate unavoidable damage without having to rely on Ghost/Hood.
    Ghost has a high skill cap just like quake. Some other dps options require ramp up. Namor has utility in his sig and insane damage yet every player could utilize it without practice. Best change here would be to increase his skill cap but that would require a full rework. This nerf is as good as we'll get imo
    Ehh, Omega is much easier to use than Namor and has immediately accessible damage, unlike Namor who needs to access IR first. He’s also packing a ton of utility himself, such as shrug-off prevention with his spores (which can shut down nodes like masochism), tentacle hits which cancel damage-back, and huge regen and power steal potential.

    I love my Namor as much as the next guy, but Omega is always my go-to damage dealer over Namor, which was the point I was making in response to your original comment. I also prefer using Cap Marvel as a primary damage dealer over Namor, as she only requires a single ramp up before she starts and ends each subsequent fight with enormous damage output which you can actually sustain continuously throughout the fight without any further ramp up. Again, easier to use than Namor, and packing a surprising amount of utility from her instant debuff shrug-off and 12 second indestructibility.
  • CsuttonCsutton Member Posts: 231 ★★
    @Octoberstack completely agree with that.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Overreaction is the hallmark of social media.
  • Wade420wilson69Wade420wilson69 Member Posts: 43
    @awesomesauce kabam nerfing namor will have no affect on whether or not you can control your spending. That's the most insane reasoning for a nerf I've ever seen lol.
  • awesomesauceawesomesauce Member Posts: 774 ★★★

    @awesomesauce kabam nerfing namor will have no affect on whether or not you can control your spending. That's the most insane reasoning for a nerf I've ever seen lol.

    Controlled or not, it at least wouldnt go to Kabam. Find another hobby to dump money into.
  • Wade420wilson69Wade420wilson69 Member Posts: 43
    I get what your saying but you don't need a nerf to stop buying from kabam. Their sketchy history with new champs and changing things without notice was enough for me.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    edited December 2019
    Their game, their rules

    Gonna get a lot of disagrees now lol
  • YellowflashofdkYellowflashofdk Member Posts: 9

    Overreaction is the hallmark of social media.

    Overreaction?Didnt i say that even if its a small nerf it shouldnt happen?Like,do they even test champions they put out on this game?I dont care if hes op,if they released him that way and got thousands of dollars for him,then they shouldnt now ,after 6 months realize that hes OP.Its just pathetic.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    if they are smart they will start to communicate what is going to happen now. They have more or less confirmed they are adjusting Namor by not ruling it out, now the speculation game will run rampant. The sooner they discuss what they are doing the faster the hostility can run its course. Waiting another month will not reduce the backlash, but opening a conversation can reduce the speculation and growing concern
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there everyone, as we mentioned previously, we will have details within the coming month about the previously announced balance changes. We just ask for a bit of patience until we release those details, as forming conclusions before the information has been released could cause more confusion. We thank you all for your understanding in this matter.
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