Regardless of if you can get them, you won't be able to spend them. To spend 1 Million Acorns (and hit the final Milestone in the Solo Event), you'll need to buy every item in the Store. Some of those Items are locked to Uncollected players. You have time, so I would encourage you to hit 5.2 as soon as you can.
Regardless of if you can get them, you won't be able to spend them. To spend 1 Million Acorns (and hit the final Milestone in the Solo Event), you'll need to buy every item in the Store. Some of those Items are locked to Uncollected players. You have time, so I would encourage you to hit 5.2 as soon as you can.
Lucky me that did it last month. Still, kinda harsh for the non-UC.
Regardless of if you can get them, you won't be able to spend them. To spend 1 Million Acorns (and hit the final Milestone in the Solo Event), you'll need to buy every item in the Store. Some of those Items are locked to Uncollected players. You have time, so I would encourage you to hit 5.2 as soon as you can.
Lucky me that did it last month. Still, kinda harsh for the non-UC.
I think that's the point of UC. Beat harder content, unlock greater rewards.
Thanks for putting the screws to all of us that have been playing the game for ever , but are not skilled/ smart, or rich enough to become uncollected. Unreal! Total ****. And it’s getting worse every month
Thanks for putting the screws to all of us that have been playing the game for ever , but are not skilled/ smart, or rich enough to become uncollected. Unreal! Total ****
Wow thanks for not putting in the effort and still feeling entitled to the same rewards as people that did
Thanks for putting the screws to all of us that have been playing the game for ever , but are not skilled/ smart, or rich enough to become uncollected. Unreal! Total ****
Wow thanks for not putting in the effort and still feeling entitled to the same rewards as people that did
I try act 5 4 to 5 times a day for months now. Don’t tell me about effort And by they way **** I had high blood pressure that took out my kidneys and most of my eye sight. So go pound sand
@Mainer123 beating the collector is not that difficult now just a few team revives should do it and if u said been playing the game forever u should of beaten collector a long time ago then
Maybe its a first comment but my enemy in AW havent uncollected but have a title Monkey Joe, it means he sell 1000.000 accorn. I cant report user but i find this tread. @Kabam Miike