Missing Champions

I’m not sure if this was already an issue, but several Champions that I know I had have gone missing from my roster. These include regular Deadpool, Beast, and Medusa. I am not sure why they’ve gone missing as I don’t sell my Champions. It’s fine if nothing’s done to fix it as these are Champions that are very easy to obtain, but this essentially resets all progress I ever made on signature abilities. All of them were at two stars except for Medusa, and Deadpool especially is one that I know I have because I dupe him on a regular basis.


  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, sorry to hear about this. For account-specific questions, our Support Team would be the best equipped to look into things for you. You can reach them from the game's home screen by clicking the gear-shaped icon in the top-left corner of the screen and then scrolling down to the button labeled "Support".
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