Graphics Issue

Envi1Envi1 Member Posts: 64
edited April 2020 in Bugs and Known Issues
Is anyone else encountering this issue? The game is running significantly slower and certain graphics are not showing up, I’ve had this issue for a few days now


  • isnis_cosmos17isnis_cosmos17 Member Posts: 9
    In my device it usually happens when the network is a bit slow... Maybe you should check the bandwidth of your internet. If the speed is all good then perhaps it is a graphics problem.
  • Envi1Envi1 Member Posts: 64
    Never had an issue with internet speed in two years of playing the game and it’s a constant issue now, it appeared to happen as soon as the choice for switching sides in barons war occurred? Can anyone else shed some light on this
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    We're already looking into this and there's an existing discussion HERE about it. To help keep the Forum tidy, I'll go ahead and close this one.
This discussion has been closed.