Lagging and stuttering on the Galaxy A70

Hey guys, I'm hoping kabob replies to this because I'm really frustrated at the moment.
Basically my galaxy A70 which I use to play recently started having connection issues, lag, and stutters while im playing the game . Today I just so happened to be playing the new incursions so I could get some crystal shards when all of a sudden while my teammates champions are all down im supposed to take on the boss alone and then my game starts lagging badly, I tried restarting the game but nothing worked as im typing I was able to defeat the boss and conclude after spending a bunch of health potions that I was trying to save for sector 5 .
Please Kabam if you're reading this can I maybe get some form of compensation for this my summoner name is KhalidMKA.
Anyways thats all I guess.
Basically my galaxy A70 which I use to play recently started having connection issues, lag, and stutters while im playing the game . Today I just so happened to be playing the new incursions so I could get some crystal shards when all of a sudden while my teammates champions are all down im supposed to take on the boss alone and then my game starts lagging badly, I tried restarting the game but nothing worked as im typing I was able to defeat the boss and conclude after spending a bunch of health potions that I was trying to save for sector 5 .
Please Kabam if you're reading this can I maybe get some form of compensation for this my summoner name is KhalidMKA.
Anyways thats all I guess.
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