96 Hours

It has been 4 days since I've submitted a ticket to Kabam to assist me with an account recovery. Somehow, the kabam-matrix glitched and unlinked my email from my account and it created a brand new account. I can no longer access my account, it's just sitting there. I was removed from my alliance, missing several login and solo events, missing AQ and AW events as well as practice on the new map. I was told by Kabam I would hear something back in 24 hours after submitting a ticket. Here I am at over 96 hours with no response, not even a follow up to let me know they received my issue and are working on it. I don't understand the lack of concern for a player in their community who is in need of help that can only be given by the high lords of Kabam themselves.
It sounds like you may have inadvertently created a new account or signed in with the wrong information. Has your account been linked to a Kabam ID previously? Check to verify that you are accessing Marvel Contest Of Champions using the correct information. Please allow the Support Team up to 72 businesses hours to respond.
Thanks for the response.