Champion Kit: Ironmonger

Hello! I'm new to forums so I apologize if this isn't the right place to put this!
I have a huge passion for Champion design and I thought it would be time for me to post some of my designs? I hope everyone enjoys them! Please feel free to give feedback! (I left most values blank since those numbers can change with balancing!)
For my first design, I decided to look at IronMonger. He's designed to be a ramping raw damage, power control, tech champion with tank options.
Character Kit:
Signature ability
As an Ex Interim CEO, Ironmonger sees others as his subordinates adding additional effects to his IronFury and IronBulwark. (Locked Signature ability)
While a single IronFury is active, Critical attacks gain an ___ (Increases with sig)% chance to inflict a Powerdrain draining __% of power over _ seconds. Additional stacks of IronFury will Increase the potency of the Powerdrain.
While a single IronBulwark is Active, all powerdrain and powerburn effects against IronMonger have a __(Increases with sig)% chance to restore _% of the power drained. Additional IronBulwark stacks will increase the amount of power refunded.
If IronMonger starts the fight above 50% HP he will enter in the Brutal stance.
If IronMonger starts the fight below 50% HP he will enter in the Grounded stance.
By dodging back and holding Block for 2 seconds, IronMonger can alter his stance from Grounded to Brutal.
IronMonger can place a Cowardice Debuff on opponents though his stances and can be consumed to enhance IronMonger’s Special attacks. Cowardice is a debuff with no effects and will not benefit from masteries.
Opponents can Purify all Cowardice debuffs by landing a heavy attack or striking IronMonger with an unblockable attack.
Special attacks from IronMonger will remove all stacks of Cowardice and will grant additional benefits based on the number of stacks removed.
Passive - Grounded stance
Being struck in any way gives IronMonger IronGuard stacks which last for __ seconds. Opponents with a class disadvantage will grant double this amount.
At __ stacks, Consume all stacks to Gain IronBulwark for ___ seconds.
Each stack of IronBulwark will decrease the damage from special attacks by __% and will increase his Block proficiency by __% for __ Seconds.
Heavy Attacks while IronBulwark is active will apply a __second taunt debuff on the opponent.
Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.
If IronMonger performs a well timed block, all active IronBulwark stacks are paused for _Seconds.
There is no limit to the amount of IronBulwark stacks IronMonger can have. However, all types of armor breaks, except from Mutant Champions, will remove 1 stack of IronBulwark and be purified.
Opponents that use special attacks while IronBulwark is active will gain Cowardice. Only 2 stacks of Cowardice can be gained this way.
Passive - Brutal stance
Strikes against the opponent grant IronFury Stacks lasting for _ seconds. Opponents with a class disadvantage will grant double this amount.
At __ stacks, Consume all stacks to Gain IronRage for ___ seconds.
Each stack of IronRage grants IronMonger ___ Critical damage rating and ___ Attack rating.
Heavy Attacks while IronRage is active will apply Cowardice. Only 2 stacks of Cowardice can be applied this way.
If IronMonger performs an intercept, all active IronRage stacks are paused for _Seconds.
There is no limit to the amount of IronRage stacks IronMonger can have. However, all types of armor breaks, except from Mutant Champions, will remove 1 stack of IronRage and be purified.
Special Attack 1
Incinerates the opponent, dealing __ Energy Damage over __ seconds. If the Opponent has any stacks of Cowardice, they are removed to increase the duration of the Incinerate for each stack by __%. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%
Special Attack 2
Overcharged repulsor blast gains ___ Attack for each stack of Cowardice removed. If more than 2 stacks of cowardice is removed, the opponent loses 1 full bar of power.
Special Attack 3
For each stack of Cowardice removed, IronMonger will gain a stack of IronRage or IronBulwark depending on his current stance.
Special Attacks Flavour Text
Cooking the books
IronMonger takes the saying a bit too literally by dropping a devastating overhand blow and releases a scorching flame.
[One overhand swing straight to the head followed by 4 hits from a continuous flamethrower stream.]
Incinerates the opponent, dealing __ Energy Damage over __ seconds. If the Opponent has any stacks of Cowardice, they are removed to increase the duration of the Incinerate for each stack by __%. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%
Overclocked Repulsar
With a mighty backhanded strike, IronMonger creates just enough distance to release all limiters on his repulsar to deliver a concentrated energy blast.
[A backhanded strike paired with IronMonger extending his right hand to fire a single, high powered repulsor blast.]
Overcharged repulsor blast gains ___ Attack for each stack of Cowardice removed. If 2 stacks of Cowardice are removed, the opponent loses 1 full bar of power.
Acquisition and Closure
Locking his opponent into a deathgrip, IronMonger takes off into the air, releasing the hold to let gravity do his dirty work and finishing off whatever is left with a 4230 Lbs suit.
[Locks the opponent in a bear hug, Crushing them once before taking off into the air. After throwing the opponent to the floor, IronMonger turns off his thrusters and stomps right on top of where the opponent landed.]
For each stack of Cowardice removed, IronMonger will gain a stack of IronRage or IronBulwark depending on his current stance.
Synergy Bonuses
All Champions gain +6% Attack
Ironman, Ironman (Infinity war)
Silver Iron
IronMonger: Opponents struck by the flames of IronMonger’s flamethrower are also armor broken, reducing their armor by __ for the duration of the Incinerate.
War Machine: Upgrades all War Machine’s rounds allowing all bullets to also apply an Incinerate debuff dealing __ energy damage over __ seconds. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%.
Underhanded Dealings
IronMonger: Become unstoppable for _ seconds when charging a heavy attack. This effect has a _ second cooldown. Additionally, IronRage stacks are paused during all Heavy attacks.
Kingpin: Decrease the amount of heavy attacks required to gain Fury by 1 and further increase the potency of the fury by __%
Enemies in Iron
IronMonger: IronBulwark stacks are also paused during all Special attacks.
IronPatriot: Opponents inflicted with an Armor Break Debuff will also be Taunted for the entire duration. Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.
Thank you for reading! I just really love the hard work the design team puts into each champion and I hope to maybe make another post if the response is good ^_^
I have a huge passion for Champion design and I thought it would be time for me to post some of my designs? I hope everyone enjoys them! Please feel free to give feedback! (I left most values blank since those numbers can change with balancing!)
For my first design, I decided to look at IronMonger. He's designed to be a ramping raw damage, power control, tech champion with tank options.
Character Kit:
Signature ability
As an Ex Interim CEO, Ironmonger sees others as his subordinates adding additional effects to his IronFury and IronBulwark. (Locked Signature ability)
While a single IronFury is active, Critical attacks gain an ___ (Increases with sig)% chance to inflict a Powerdrain draining __% of power over _ seconds. Additional stacks of IronFury will Increase the potency of the Powerdrain.
While a single IronBulwark is Active, all powerdrain and powerburn effects against IronMonger have a __(Increases with sig)% chance to restore _% of the power drained. Additional IronBulwark stacks will increase the amount of power refunded.
If IronMonger starts the fight above 50% HP he will enter in the Brutal stance.
If IronMonger starts the fight below 50% HP he will enter in the Grounded stance.
By dodging back and holding Block for 2 seconds, IronMonger can alter his stance from Grounded to Brutal.
IronMonger can place a Cowardice Debuff on opponents though his stances and can be consumed to enhance IronMonger’s Special attacks. Cowardice is a debuff with no effects and will not benefit from masteries.
Opponents can Purify all Cowardice debuffs by landing a heavy attack or striking IronMonger with an unblockable attack.
Special attacks from IronMonger will remove all stacks of Cowardice and will grant additional benefits based on the number of stacks removed.
Passive - Grounded stance
Being struck in any way gives IronMonger IronGuard stacks which last for __ seconds. Opponents with a class disadvantage will grant double this amount.
At __ stacks, Consume all stacks to Gain IronBulwark for ___ seconds.
Each stack of IronBulwark will decrease the damage from special attacks by __% and will increase his Block proficiency by __% for __ Seconds.
Heavy Attacks while IronBulwark is active will apply a __second taunt debuff on the opponent.
Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.
If IronMonger performs a well timed block, all active IronBulwark stacks are paused for _Seconds.
There is no limit to the amount of IronBulwark stacks IronMonger can have. However, all types of armor breaks, except from Mutant Champions, will remove 1 stack of IronBulwark and be purified.
Opponents that use special attacks while IronBulwark is active will gain Cowardice. Only 2 stacks of Cowardice can be gained this way.
Passive - Brutal stance
Strikes against the opponent grant IronFury Stacks lasting for _ seconds. Opponents with a class disadvantage will grant double this amount.
At __ stacks, Consume all stacks to Gain IronRage for ___ seconds.
Each stack of IronRage grants IronMonger ___ Critical damage rating and ___ Attack rating.
Heavy Attacks while IronRage is active will apply Cowardice. Only 2 stacks of Cowardice can be applied this way.
If IronMonger performs an intercept, all active IronRage stacks are paused for _Seconds.
There is no limit to the amount of IronRage stacks IronMonger can have. However, all types of armor breaks, except from Mutant Champions, will remove 1 stack of IronRage and be purified.
Special Attack 1
Incinerates the opponent, dealing __ Energy Damage over __ seconds. If the Opponent has any stacks of Cowardice, they are removed to increase the duration of the Incinerate for each stack by __%. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%
Special Attack 2
Overcharged repulsor blast gains ___ Attack for each stack of Cowardice removed. If more than 2 stacks of cowardice is removed, the opponent loses 1 full bar of power.
Special Attack 3
For each stack of Cowardice removed, IronMonger will gain a stack of IronRage or IronBulwark depending on his current stance.
Special Attacks Flavour Text
Cooking the books
IronMonger takes the saying a bit too literally by dropping a devastating overhand blow and releases a scorching flame.
[One overhand swing straight to the head followed by 4 hits from a continuous flamethrower stream.]
Incinerates the opponent, dealing __ Energy Damage over __ seconds. If the Opponent has any stacks of Cowardice, they are removed to increase the duration of the Incinerate for each stack by __%. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%
Overclocked Repulsar
With a mighty backhanded strike, IronMonger creates just enough distance to release all limiters on his repulsar to deliver a concentrated energy blast.
[A backhanded strike paired with IronMonger extending his right hand to fire a single, high powered repulsor blast.]
Overcharged repulsor blast gains ___ Attack for each stack of Cowardice removed. If 2 stacks of Cowardice are removed, the opponent loses 1 full bar of power.
Acquisition and Closure
Locking his opponent into a deathgrip, IronMonger takes off into the air, releasing the hold to let gravity do his dirty work and finishing off whatever is left with a 4230 Lbs suit.
[Locks the opponent in a bear hug, Crushing them once before taking off into the air. After throwing the opponent to the floor, IronMonger turns off his thrusters and stomps right on top of where the opponent landed.]
For each stack of Cowardice removed, IronMonger will gain a stack of IronRage or IronBulwark depending on his current stance.
Synergy Bonuses
All Champions gain +6% Attack
Ironman, Ironman (Infinity war)
Silver Iron
IronMonger: Opponents struck by the flames of IronMonger’s flamethrower are also armor broken, reducing their armor by __ for the duration of the Incinerate.
War Machine: Upgrades all War Machine’s rounds allowing all bullets to also apply an Incinerate debuff dealing __ energy damage over __ seconds. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%.
Underhanded Dealings
IronMonger: Become unstoppable for _ seconds when charging a heavy attack. This effect has a _ second cooldown. Additionally, IronRage stacks are paused during all Heavy attacks.
Kingpin: Decrease the amount of heavy attacks required to gain Fury by 1 and further increase the potency of the fury by __%
Enemies in Iron
IronMonger: IronBulwark stacks are also paused during all Special attacks.
IronPatriot: Opponents inflicted with an Armor Break Debuff will also be Taunted for the entire duration. Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.
Thank you for reading! I just really love the hard work the design team puts into each champion and I hope to maybe make another post if the response is good ^_^
This discussion has been closed.
Great design, interesting mechanics, and a character most did not even consider, including myself. I like it, personally.
Second of all:
Kabam Mods will most likely close the thread and tell you to post it in the Champion wishlist thread. I understand you didn't know, just telling you now.
Imo it sucks because they never clean the thread out so it's just full of posts where people dump like 15 random characters, and you have to search for hours before you can find suggestions with weight behind them, like this one.
It seems like you've put a considerable amount of time and effort into this idea so thank you for sharing it with us. With that being said, any new Champion suggestions should be posted in the dedicated thread, which you can find HERE.
Please head on over to that discussion to share your idea in addition to any others you may have. Thank you!