A serious suggestion - Enough is enough

So, more bugs have come with the update, which does suck! Especially when they will cost us in AQ and AW.
It's obvious November will involve content with Thor Ragnarok, then December *should* have 5.4 and something special for Christmas.
My plea is after December, please stop all additional content to focus on the bugs, so nothing in January, I know different teams work on different aspects of the game, but a quest developer, champ developer and bug dev... are all devs, get a conference call going, team meetings and all work on the bugs together.
I know nothing is bug free, but please try and all jump on it, no point fixing a bug if the next update will bring a new bug, beta test the update before it's released. I know a month isn't a huge amount of time to work on fixes too. Something needs to be done though.
It isn't fair at all when it's costing us players in game items, money for units just to finish a path in AQ or Wars, even story content when we are KO through no fault of our own. We get nothing back for items we used or money we have to spend due to the bugs, offers costing £100 will still come out... I mean with all the revenue this game should be solely focused on removing the bugs because that will only make more spend on a polished item.
Not having a pop at the forum mods, but it's kind of a joke now, yes some take longer to fix than others, but if it ever benefits the player it seems to be an easy couple hour fix, no matter what it is, it's sorted instantly.
When it benefits the AI and costs us items things can go on for months and it just isn't fair.
Please do something about it, because your treating us like idiots to some degree when we are paying customers for your product.
Drop all additional content after December and get every dev onto bugs
It's obvious November will involve content with Thor Ragnarok, then December *should* have 5.4 and something special for Christmas.
My plea is after December, please stop all additional content to focus on the bugs, so nothing in January, I know different teams work on different aspects of the game, but a quest developer, champ developer and bug dev... are all devs, get a conference call going, team meetings and all work on the bugs together.
I know nothing is bug free, but please try and all jump on it, no point fixing a bug if the next update will bring a new bug, beta test the update before it's released. I know a month isn't a huge amount of time to work on fixes too. Something needs to be done though.
It isn't fair at all when it's costing us players in game items, money for units just to finish a path in AQ or Wars, even story content when we are KO through no fault of our own. We get nothing back for items we used or money we have to spend due to the bugs, offers costing £100 will still come out... I mean with all the revenue this game should be solely focused on removing the bugs because that will only make more spend on a polished item.
Not having a pop at the forum mods, but it's kind of a joke now, yes some take longer to fix than others, but if it ever benefits the player it seems to be an easy couple hour fix, no matter what it is, it's sorted instantly.
When it benefits the AI and costs us items things can go on for months and it just isn't fair.
Please do something about it, because your treating us like idiots to some degree when we are paying customers for your product.
Drop all additional content after December and get every dev onto bugs
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As the company owner, which product would you prefer to sell? Keep in mind the comparatively short life cycle of phone games when answering that question.
I get your point though, but it may not be true
Last I heard the beta testing program was looking after alliance bases.
They have plans until 2020. They will not stop to fix anything because as I said before, it's the same thing. I prefer to play something new with bugs than not playing anything
It's like a restaurant struggling with the quality of the food, and asking the waiters and waitresses to come in the Kitchen and help them cook or point out their errors.
But you know what would make more sense as a suggestion? If Kabam tried to search and hire more people who are more professional at bug fixing, thus increasing the quantity of bug fixers while also increasing the quality of them. Now that makes much more sense.
This current idea of "Cease all operations and just focus on fixing current product" is not going to work, it is just not productive for both the player base and the company, both parties will lose because new content must be pushed out to maintain player interests and generate revenue. I say every team should do what they do best and continue that way, but what Kabam should do is to pay a closer attention/stricter management of their current bug fixing team or hire more professional bug fixers to the team.
Yes I know that, if you read then you will see I said that.
Also there will be 5.4 to play, just because a new event quest isn't out doesn't mean there will be nothing left to play... 5.4 will take longer than a day, you might not even have done Act 4, then arena, AQ and AW will be on.
No need to flag me anyway, just because you said something before doesn't mean it's true either, you think your a mod yourself. Everyone has to agree with you or they are wrong, not a great attitude to have in life.
You argue against gears for instance but if someone is a fan of the idea you try and shut them down like your right, well kabam are trying to implement items and toying with the idea so some sort of feature like that is coming in the future anyway.
I know mate but that's how this forum works, I said nothing that was spam due to it not being mentioned before or said in such a way, and I wasn't abusive to anyone... yet still flagged.
One was Extripa because he didn't like my idea so spitting his dummy out as per usual.
Anyway I don't mind being flagged, was only a suggestion, not an order or demand... but the game cannot be played at the minute, we can't even use a special without taking a combo in the face afterwards with no chance or choice to block/evade, so when map 6 is on... what do we do? Just get numerous KOs having to blow our units and glory for items? That's shambolic, they should postpone AQ and get an instant fix going, I have noticed the AI in arena are able to move after a special too... so what's going on?
@DarkestDestroyer Please remember that suggestions belong in the Suggestions section of the forums going forward. Also, calling out others is not ok. FYI, eXtripa69 didn't flag you at all. This is part of the why assumptions and personal attacks or calling others out is not acceptable.
While your constructive feedback is very welcome, I'm going to close this thread down because it's turning non-constructive. Additional threads suggesting we just "stop making content and fix bugs" will also be closed. Again, we aren't going to do that. New content doesn't actually affect bug fixes for already existing content.
Some things that are reported by players as bugs may not be, or may only be device or OS specific (ie: they may not be affecting everyone, or maybe a misunderstanding of intentional gameplay). Those working on the new content are totally different teams than those working on bug fixes in existing content (and they DO work together already).