Does it matter? So arena scores will drop to around 13 million for about 2 arenas, which is still ridiculous. Then they will be right back up to 17 million. One of my alliance mates scored almost 10 million in the recent 4* Crossbones arena, and he still got 1%-10% (rank 97x). Let's face it, the arena system will never be fixed until Kabam takes the time to do the math. If they ever do they will realize that it's impossible for one person to get 17 million points without doing the most basic things like eating and sleeping. Even if you spend units to refresh your 5* champs over and over again, the math still doesn't work out. #ArenaIsRigged
That's not true at all. You don't realize the rosters some people have. Getting 6 million in day could be done in a few rounds per day. Granted you need to run through your roster as the refresh, but 7-8 rounds in 12 hours is not a lot. That leaves plenty of time for sleep.
Granted you are dedicating yourself to it and forgoing much of real life, but as a kid or someone with a ton of free time, it's not anything nefarious at all.
That doesn't mean some people don't cheat or use services or whatever, but the people with 30-40 5* champs can score extremely high with much less effort.
I'm going to close this thread down, just to ensure conversation in the forums stays on the topic of the game and doesn't turn into one that's not constructive or account specific.
If anyone needs more information regarding bans, there is more information here .
yes....cheaters are being caught
every new release comes with a ban wave, it's like clockwork.
Granted you are dedicating yourself to it and forgoing much of real life, but as a kid or someone with a ton of free time, it's not anything nefarious at all.
That doesn't mean some people don't cheat or use services or whatever, but the people with 30-40 5* champs can score extremely high with much less effort.
If anyone needs more information regarding bans, there is more information here .