Old Account

BlitzingBlastBlitzingBlast Member Posts: 1
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
I started playing this game and at first i did not create a Kabam account so after i logged out all progress is gone and i created a Kabam account after that happend so i can save my progress but now there are two Blitzing Blasts And two Gaming Empires (My Alliance) is there any way to get rid of my old account and its alliance? Old account name:BlitzingBlast Kabam account name:Blitzing Blast


  • Hey there Blitzing Blast (The new one)! For this particular request, your best bet is to get in touch with our Support Team to ask them if they can delete your old account. So that there's no confusion, make sure to include as much information as you possibly can, such as how old the original account is, what Champs you had on it, and so on. Make sure to specify as you've done here that there's a space between the words to tell them apart.

    Once you've done that, they should be able to track it down for you and advise further. We don't handle individual accounts here on the forums, and because I'm directing you to the Support Team, this particular thread will be closed. With that being said, I hope you get your clone (or is the new one the clone?) gone for good as you wish!
This discussion has been closed.