[MERGED] Horseman of Apocalypse deactivated on its own in AQ



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  • Danny_boy_malone76Danny_boy_malone76 Member Posts: 11
    @Kabam Miike I've lost horseman ability in AW . This happened 4 months ago but it seemed u fixed it...now it's happening again and it's always after I fight symbiote Supreme he nullifys the horseman and its gone for rest of aw. Seems to me that it's a cash grab thing for kabam and not a bug or it would of been resolved permanently by now!
  • Danny_boy_malone76Danny_boy_malone76 Member Posts: 11
    Why's has this not been fixed? It's looking more like a cash grab for kabam then a bug or you guys would of fixed this by now!! And when we submit a ticket u send some carefully worded statement about being aware of the problem and then want to know every detail under the sun about my phone!! This is my 3rd phone and I've had the problem of losing wolverines horseman ability after fighting symbiote Supreme on all 3 phones. Really not worth spending money with you guys when it doesn't work properly!!
  • juand1313juand1313 Member Posts: 14
    Happened to me as well with Archangel

    Kabam really loves to have bugs to screw us up, god forbid a bug that benefits us
  • Kabam ValkyrieKabam Valkyrie Moderator Posts: 698
    Hi there!

    Thank you for reporting this bug! To help track down the cause of the issue, would you mind filling out this information?

    Please include as much information from this template as possible with your report.

    Device and Version: (Example, iPhone 7) Be sure to include make and model of the device you are playing on when experiencing the issue.

    Device Operating System: (Example, iOS 11) You can find out the operating system on an iPhone by going to Settings, then General and scrolling down to “Version.” You can find the operating system version on Android by going to Apps, then Settings and “About Device.”

    Mobile Carrier: (Example AT&T) If your device uses cellular data, please include information about your data provider.

    Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both?

    Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the App Store or Play Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. (Example, 17.1.5)

    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.

    Champions Affected: Which Champions are affected by this issue? What is their Rank, Level and which Signature Abilities do they have unlocked?

    Active Boosts: Are you using any boosts when you experience this issue?

    Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the problem you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. Include how often it happens (once, sometimes or always) and how long you've been experiencing the issue.

    Screenshot or Video: If you are able to capture a screenshot or video that helps visually demonstrate the issue you are experiencing, please include it along with your report. More information on how to take a screenshot can be found here.
  • edited May 2021
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  • Giz4459Giz4459 Member Posts: 6
    I’ve had this happen to me yesterday and today in AQ. I was on the bleed path of map 5 and noticed my Cable was losing health. The moment I leave the AQ map when I come back the Horseman ability is gone for the rest of AQ.
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Samsung Galaxy S21
    Android Version 11
    Freedom Mobile in Canada
    On wi-fi when experiencing the issue.
    Game Version: 31.0.1
    Experienced issue in Alliance Quest
    Experienced on Wolverine Rank 5 5* with Signature level 165
    No boost
    I activated the pre-fight ability of Apocalypse (rank 5 5* signature level 20) against Gambit on the first section of Map5 and fought with Wolverine and Horseman was active. Went to the next fight and it was not active. Lost the Horseman status on Wolverine for the rest of the Alliance Quest. I have attached screenshots of the active Horseman status and the status after I lost it
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★

  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★

  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    @Kabam Valkyrie hope this helps resolve this issue. I have become quite fond on Wolverine as a Horseman of Apocalypse and would like to keep using them in the Alliance Quest
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    I actually play 2 profiles and lost Horseman status on both of them on both days of Alliance Quest. This has also happened last AQ series and thought it was me so I made sure to take screen shots now.
  • pete8388pete8388 Member Posts: 142 ★★
    Lost the horseman ability on cyclops the last two AQ.

    iPhone 12
    6 star rank 1
    No boosts
    Map 5

    Had horseman ability for the fight I activated it on and it did not carry forward to any subsequent fights.
  • MaxPower721MaxPower721 Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2021

    Device and Version: iPhone 11 Pro

    Device Operating System: iOS 14.4.2

    Mobile Carrier: Verizon

    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi

    Game Version Installed: 1144511 (latest)

    Game Mode: alliance quest

    Champions Affected: apocalypse and wolverine

    Active Boosts: none

    Description of the Issue: horsemen does not apply or drops off.

    Also have images and video but cannot attach.
  • BahubaliBahubali Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    Wow.. Came here to post the same.. Lost Horseman ability in AQ.. Man this is frustrating.. AQ global node is beneficial to mutants and you cant use a top mutant.

  • leviddletonleviddleton Member Posts: 128 ★★
    edited May 2021
    Yes. Map 5. Took bleed path, came back after spending energy and my Wolverine died due to bleed issues because the horseman ability disappeared. Definitely a bug across the board. Cost some potions and a couple revives over the past few rounds... @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 767 ★★★
    With all due respect it's not people's devices, it's something you guys keep doing.
  • Kazooie71Kazooie71 Member Posts: 12
    Yeah, same here... Wolvi was my AQ horseman, 2 or 3 fights later he was not the horseman anymore... no matter if I had an iPhone 8, 9 or 10 or an android Samsung....
  • Hellboyy9999Hellboyy9999 Member Posts: 64
    Happened to me today for Storm X in AQ. I made her Horseman which lasted for a fight and then she lost it next fight and I ended up dying to Biohazard Bleeds.
  • CaptaingcCaptaingc Member Posts: 24
    Galaxy s20+
    Android 11
    Google Fi
    Both cellular and wifi
    Game version 31.0.1
    Alliance Quest map 7
    Apocalypse rank 5 5* sig 40, wolverine rank 5 5* sig 89
    No boosts

    Fighting in alliance quests both apocalypse's horseman ability and parry curse were only active in the first fight they were applied to and the fight directly after. With the horseman ability that means it would last for 2 fights then be gone the rest of the alliance quest. For parry curse that means that after the initial fight where the % stun reduction is decided the % reduction only applied to the following fight then reset to reapply the curse. Given the nature of the bug I would also suggest following up with Mister Fantastic's cross fight ability as well, given that this problem appears to be effecting more than just wolverine and apocalypse, and his cross fight works in a similar manner to both of the situations I recounted.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    An alliance mate had this happen to his aa in war yesterday
  • AdvAdv Member Posts: 196
    Same with me. Latest version of the game. In AQ. Using a wifi and in iPhone 11
  • nolcuNnolcuN Member Posts: 159 ★★
    edited May 2021
    Same, and btw this is compensation worthy when you are stuck on biohazard
  • FrenchyPantsFrenchyPants Member Posts: 26
    Happened in aq yesterday and today. Luckily wolverine is a beast, but these do you bleed fights are taking forever.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,785 ★★★★★
    edited May 2021
    It seems to be effecting all cross fights not just horsemen

    Edit: as parry curse is being removed after the next fight than 2 so most likely be effecting other cross fight abilities
  • leviddletonleviddleton Member Posts: 128 ★★

    Device and Version: iPhone 11

    Device Operating System: 14.4.2

    Mobile Carrier: Telus

    Cellular or WiFi: Happens on both

    Game Version Installed: 31.0.1

    Game Mode: Alliance Quest

    Champions Affected: Apocolypse (5/65 sig 20) applies the horseman pre-fight ability to Wolverine (5/65 sig 140) who loses it

    Active Boosts: None

    Description of the Issue: Map 5, I ramp up apocolypse in aq through a few fights, stick the preflight ability to Wolverine, use my energy. Come back a few hours later after my energy refills, and fight time comes, the Horseman ability is gone and I can’t reapply it as there’s a cap on how many times Apoc can make a horseman. It’s just gone.

    No screenshots or video but I bet a lot posting on this thread will have the same story. Hope it can be fixed shortly!
  • DanxorDanxor Member Posts: 124 ★★
    I had a similar issue with Cross Fights from Odin, I was running Incursions and had Odin on my team, and gave a guy his buffs, then in the next room on incursions I swapped Odin out, and the very next fight that I used my Odin cross fight buffed champion, the crossfights were removed, this happened with the 2 Odin's buff sets I used that incursion, I assumed it was a nerf to crossfights that you have to keep the giver in the team, but maybe its a bug?
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  • JumpthesharkJumptheshark Member Posts: 242 ★★

    Device: iPhone 12
    iOS: 14.5
    Carrier: Att
    Version: Latest
    Champ: Apocalypse / Wolverine as Horseman

    I lost it in AQ after several fights with wolverine as a horseman.
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