Special Game Crashes

Sir_GlobalotSir_Globalot Member Posts: 225 ★★★
Hey all!

Is anyone else experiencing certain champion specials crashing the game repeatedly? I think we all know about Psychoman's SP1, but is anyone else finding certain specials to be a problem?

For me, Odin's SP1 is also a nightmare, and I just pulled 5* Mr Negative but ALL his specials cause my game to close :/

Just interested to see if people are having the same issues!


  • Sir_GlobalotSir_Globalot Member Posts: 225 ★★★
    That's way worse then! Is it the same crash, lag then insta- home screen?
  • JaballyJabally Member Posts: 61

    That's way worse then! Is it the same crash, lag then insta- home screen?

  • ns_94ns_94 Member Posts: 16
    Yeah Psycho-man’s Special 1 has been crashing my game ever since he was released. Odin’s Special 1, Dr. Doom’s special 2 and 3, and Thing’s special 1 crash my game as well. For that reason I always try to avoid fighting them. Cgr will sometimes crash my game as well but it isn’t as frequent as the first champions I mentioned.
  • Sir_GlobalotSir_Globalot Member Posts: 225 ★★★
    I forgot about Thing's SP1, that just closed my game down then :/ I mean, it's good you all have the same issues but also it isn't, for obvious reasons
  • Kabam ValiantKabam Valiant Moderator Posts: 227
    Thank you summoners for pointing this issue out. If you could please take the time to fill out a Bug Report template located here and then post it here so that this can be properly investigated, it'd help a lot thanks!
  • ns_94ns_94 Member Posts: 16
    What phone are using btw?
    I also forgot to mention silver surfer, he crashes my game whenever I try to use his special 3. Terrax sometimes crashes my game when trying to do any of his specials.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,582 ★★★★★
    Quake sp2, pshycho man and odin both sp1 and sp2, jabari panther sp1 and sp2, prof x all specials, there are more but I don't remember
  • mattressmattress Member Posts: 494 ★★★
    Aarkus and it sux cause id love to use him more and not have to avoid aw paths with him in it
  • walker1960walker1960 Member Posts: 8
    i don't know but somehow i have the feeling that all our bugreports don't change anything.....it is crashing regularly
  • Sir_GlobalotSir_Globalot Member Posts: 225 ★★★
    Tried it on Galaxy Tab A (tablet) and Samsung S7 and same specials crash the game on both.

    Prof X is also one I forgot, thanks for pointing that out @Real_Madrid_76_2 :)

    I'll fill out a bug report form; might be fixed if enough people point out the glaring issue with tons of champs!
  • OrbJugglerOrbJuggler Member Posts: 4
    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S7
    Operating System: 8.0.0
    Bug happens on Both WiFi and Data
    Game is up to date
    All game modes
    Psychoman, Mr Negative, Odin and Doctor Doom.
    No boots active
    Whenever I use special attacks from these champions it cause my game to close and send me back to home screen. It's not all special attacks, Psychoman, Odin and Mr Negative Sp1 and Sp2, Doctor Doom Sp2 only
  • Sir_GlobalotSir_Globalot Member Posts: 225 ★★★
    Please find my bug report below:

    Device and Version: Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2019), AND Samsung S9 mobile (2018)

    Device Operating System: Both operating on Android 10.

    Mobile Carrier: (Example AT&T) Virgin AND O2

    Cellular or WiFi: Both, seemingly irrelevant to the issue.

    Game Version Installed: Latest version on both devices, even reinstalled on both to ensure.

    Game Mode: EVERY mode, including duels.

    Champions Affected: Level/sig ability irrelevant. Affected champions include Psycho-man SP1/SP2, Doctor Doom SP2/SP3, Thing SP1, Mr Negative SP1/SP2, Odin SP1, Professor X SP1, Silver Surfer SP1, Mangog SP2.

    It appears to happen during specials which use lots of particle effects, as though the pixels are overloaded as the other special attacks without the flashy effects are fine.

    Active Boosts: Both on and off, seems irrevelant.

    Description of the Issue: When the aforementioned special attacks are used, the game lags for a second, freezes, then the device immediately returns to home screen and the application has to be restarted. This happens on every occasion, unless the app is restarted before the special is used, where the lag still occurs but the game shudders and continues instead of crashing. This makes multiple champions unplayable and impossible to fight if they use special attacks.

    Screenshot or Video: i have managed to record a video of the game crashing during a Mr Negative SP2 which even KO'd the opponent. I am unaware of how to post the video on here, however, as it states the file format is not allowed; I can provide via other means if necessary.
  • ns_94ns_94 Member Posts: 16
    @Sir_Globalot Unfortunately they probably won’t even attempt to fix any of the problems we described. All they ever do is copy and paste. The crashes are getting worse per day. They have been ignoring plenty of summoners who have been constantly posting about the crashes. And if you call them out for their lack of transparency they send you a “warning”. The only thing left for us to do is to adapt, I’ve been doing that since Psycho-man’s release.
  • Sir_GlobalotSir_Globalot Member Posts: 225 ★★★
    @ns_94 that'd be a shame if it were the case, any serious gamebreaking crashes should be addressed over minor issues really. It just makes it tricky, seeing as I can't finish any quests with any of the affected champs in.
  • BilbobagonsBilbobagons Member Posts: 1
    Everytime I have professor x on my team every few fights I the game crashes without him I can play and it never crashes
  • DiablordDiablord Member Posts: 654 ★★★
    Thing sp1, Doom sp2, opid and psycho man sp1 and occasionaly mangog sp2
  • SazedSazed Member Posts: 304 ★★
    I can't fight Vision Arkaus without my game lagging or crashing. It's been happening before the first bugs issues almost a year ago
  • FlyGalaxyBombFlyGalaxyBomb Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    edited October 2021

    Hey all!

    Is anyone else experiencing certain champion specials crashing the game repeatedly? I think we all know about Psychoman's SP1, but is anyone else finding certain specials to be a problem?

    For me, Odin's SP1 is also a nightmare, and I just pulled 5* Mr Negative but ALL his specials cause my game to close :/

    Just interested to see if people are having the same issues!

    When I used to have an Iphone 6, it couldn't withstand a doom sp2. My choices were
    1) Bait sp1
    2) Eat sp3
    3) If he threw sp2, my game would freeze and crash lol :'(
    Same thing occurred when I would use him for attack. Aarkus and Mysterio made my game lag but never crash. However everything is going smoothly on my new phone lmao
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