Isn't it a bit hypocritical

There are number of champs Thor, Wolverine, ect that we can not get as 5*s yet we have to face them in events.
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I don't know how that would break the game considering there are a number of champs that can block/reverse healing effects. Not to mention nodes that heal block so it would not be game breaking at all. My point is like I stated, why do we have to face them if we can't get them. All champs should be available is my point especially with 6*s coming.
Hypocritical: characterized by behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel. I do not know the exact reason why Kabam did not include these champs for players to obtain but they did so because they feel either they are to powerful or unbalanced for us to have but not them.
Don't ruin another thread!!!!!
You do understand that owning something doesn't negate the fact someone can be a hypocrite. So yes it does.
Even doctor strange's disappointing self could do very well as a 5*.
...Basically they'd be op, and kabam says they won't add older champs like that or whatever bs they said. It's like...what was the point of nerfing them than lol.
That's a whole other issue. If they won't release them as 5*s unnerf them. Four stars will be almost useless vs 6 stars anyway.
I'm not saying that. We could not get Kang or Thanos for a long time and they can always add boss characters that we can't get. But these are just basic champs. Also very funny that ur post about something dying was ur 666 post.
Those clearly don't need to be playable tho lol. Well Jessica Jones and M.O.D.O.K do.*
They have full creative license to add whatever they want for content. That doesn't make them hypocrites. That makes them Game Developers.
Still say I'd like Spider Witch to be playable. Lol.
If I own something and I say you can't do that but I can it is within my right to do so but still makes me a hypocrite.
Someone really needs to get you a dictionary. If you're going to contradict people, at least be right. If M Night Shamalamadingding got upset with another author for misleading everyone through an entire story before hitting them with a twist, full creative license be damned, he'd still be a hypocrite
By that standard everyone should be able to design and modify the game. Call it what you like, but it's their job. I don't call the people at McDonald's hypocrites because they won't let me back into the kitchen.
More importantly, stop trying to assign context to definitions. That's not how languages work