Kabam, We Need To Talk (Rework)

Manman2123Manman2123 Member Posts: 16
Ok so apparently my recent discussion got nuked cause I might’ve said things that were over the top however I still stand by it. So let me say this with minimal criticism.

I feel as though this year hasn’t been that much interesting compared to the previous years when it comes to gaming content and changes. Not to mention with the recent bug fixes, unpleasant compensation, A.I systems, difficult Variants/Event Quests and etc.

Even though the game is facing many negative issues at the moment, we as a community need to think better and smarter. I would hate to see this game fall after years of grinding and having fun on here. To be frank, reaching Uncollected and Caviler in one year after another was the biggest milestone in my perspective.

So Kabam Mike, if you see this, I apologize for my recent discussion that appeared as hostile and I hope this rework discussion will help you and the others reconsider in fixing the game for everyone to enjoy and be happy Summoners.

If anyone has a different opinion, I’m open to here them.


  • Manman2123Manman2123 Member Posts: 16
    I appreciate it, and yes I deeply apologize for my actions from my last post. Glad you understand
  • jacboonjacboon Member Posts: 45
    100%. Ultimately you want to feel like you beat a path with something other than your wallet. By that, I don't mean that everything should be easy - take the grandmaster fight. It's annoying as hell until you get it down, but that feeling when you get to the last phase, skip straight to an sp3 and nuke him out of existence is a highlight. It stands out especially because you can use pretty much any champ in the game and still win.
  • Lestat2499Lestat2499 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    I’ve played this game from the start and it was awesome when I started. Then they added alliances and it got better. And it’s been fun playing for the most part. But I do have to say these last 4-6 months have been no fun and a struggle. We hear that kabam tells us the know there are issues. But these issues for a top game like this should not continue for month after month. No other game I have ever played has stretched issues like this. While I enjoy the new map8. It’s still a resource pool with the input issues. Specially when on a path that you cannot parry without getting punished. And dexing back causes accidental parry. I’ve managed. But it’s not ideal. Hopefully there will be some communication to let us know there are better things on the horizon and that we will get rewarded for sticking with them while they were trying to fix things.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,126 ★★★★
    jacboon said:

    @Manman2123 good points well made. Communication is definitely the way forward. People often forget that they get angry because they're invested and they care. If the forums didn't kick off when things went south it'd paint a far bleaker picture.

    Kabam mods - honestly guys, just talk to us! Even if you don't have much to say. Even if it's about bizzare, gross choices of pizza topping. "I don't know but I'll let you know as soon as I have an answer and I'll keep you all updated" (or something along those lines) is an incredibly valuable phrase, imo. Leaving people sitting for two days after a mistake like this week's aq rollout when a couple of sentences would have sufficed just seemed off, tbh. Maybe there are rules against that sort of communication but there really shouldn't be...

    Exactly !
    A simple sentence stating the problem has been acknowledge and will be addressed, regular reports to the community, even if there is no real news or fix to the issue with a date for the next report (in two days, next monday...)

    We, the community, need infos, even bad ones as long as we know that you are taking care of an issue
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