SUICIDES / WILLPOWER not working! Anyone?

Woke up to find champs' health gets drained super fast and quickly realized that willpower is not working for me? Could Kabam help look into this on urgent basis?

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Just noticed that too. Not only that, willpower doesn’t trigger when being affected by debuffs either.
Suicides not triggering willpower
Other debuffs received also not triggering willpower
Ios 11
Ipad air 2
Happening in arena and solo questing, not tested in AW as I don't want to risk it
Proud to be Android user
iPhone 7 Plus iOS 11.0.3
Also an Android user, it still stopped working for me.
We share the same opinion about the tinkering, just not the nerf..... all about opinions around here.
Might be what order the madtery points were placed in. I'm not spending a single unit adjusting anything to fix their mistakes.
Don't hold your breath.
The team is currently investigating this. We’ve also noticed it and are looking for the cause right now. We’ll keep you all updated as we get any more information.