Need Champ Timer Refund for sub-5 Zone Incursions

I like Incursions, and consider “find match” to be a theoretically healthy mechanic for the system, but in some cases people simply troll without any accountability. I can understand a bad run, but instances like this- where someone literally loses all their champs and quits on the 3rd zone sending my champs to cooldown- is not conducive to a healthy game format.
Maybe a refund of champ timers for sub-zone 5 runs is not the answer. Unlike arena, I don’t understand the limitation of cooldowns of champs in Incursions anyway, and believe it keeps people from being able to play with the roster they developed and enjoy.
Anyway, I’m just feeling a bit salty, and was hoping some of you might relate, or the game team might take this pain point under advisement.
Post edited by Kabam Valiant on
To be clear, the reason I disagree with cooldown timers in Incursions is primarily because the rewards themselves are limited by cooldowns.
In the bigger picture, I believe in Incursions there is a replayability factor that could be a truly fun and engaging outlet for players to enjoy with or without rewards. Itemless leaderboards, seasons with items, solo incursions, pvp incursions, or some combination of any of these could be an easy answer to burnout faced in two of the game’s main modes, alliance quest and war, maybe even keeping players engaged with the game who chose to step away from alliances. I know from experience that stepping away from alliances has led me to take extended breaks with little to do after finishing monthly EQ.
I hope this makes it to the appropriate team for consideration. I really do believe Incursions is close to being an answer to some of the game’s longstanding pain points for many players.