How do I get the attention of an unresponsive support system?

CloudOfContemptCloudOfContempt Member Posts: 97 ★★
edited January 2022 in Bugs and Known Issues
Created a ticket almost two weeks ago, followed up a week ago, and again today… still nothing more than the first canned response telling me they’re busy. So… when do I get what I paid for?


  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, the team works as quickly as possible to look into reported issues and respond with a solution or next steps. Some issues may take more time to investigate than others, but they team will work to resolve it as soon as possible. Additionally, keep in mind that creating new tickets won't help the team to resolve the issue any faster. If you have new information related to the original report, replying to the original email is that fastest way to make sure the team has the new info at hand for their investigation.
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