Can Kabam reset my account to a previous time stamp?

My question is as simple as this title. Also if they can, How do i request to have this done?
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no one on here can help u need to submit a support ticket
Sirnoob, But do you think they will be willing to do it
well normally when people make these claims it's in reality sue to someone account sharing and had a person sell of there champs r due to the person selling a champ then regreting it and from what I have seen kabam doesn't really do the whole recovery thing but people have said that kabam have them back a few things at the end of the day tho no one here can really be sure if they will do it
Doesn't matter if he thinks, I think or you think they'll be willing to do it. This isn't the place to discuss this and none of us are able to help you in any way, shape or form.
Submit a ticket to support, state your case and hope for the best. That's your best chance.
so... you didn't try to get back those champs a year ago when they got deleted?
3*s or 2*s, WHEN YOU GRIND FOR 40 HOURS EACH ONE OF THOSE CHAMPS, I'd like to keep them in my inventory, even if it's just for show
So just suck it up and continue like everyone else.
OK I will suck it up if it's my fault for their disappearance. But when the game chooses to delete them, I want an answer or I want them back so. Next time you care to comment on someones post, feel free to actually read the story before telling the person to suck it up
Lol I did you sold them, they didn't disappear, no one hacked you, you just got rid of them.
They track of all this, and they track when you rank people, and can do many things to your account if you violated something while there was something going on.
So either sumbit a ticket or suck it up, they're gone no matter how you try to spin it champs don't just disappear or get stuck in an event. When event ends swipe it closed and re open and then they come back
It's good that you know who went missing, though not knowing the date will indeed make it tougher. If you can remember which timed event it was, this might give them an easier time hunting down the champs, as they'd know it would've been at the very end of the event.
Hopefully giving as much detail that you can provide as possible will help uncover the fate of those champs for you!
As I must direct you to the Support Team, this particular thread will be closed.